вівторок, 28 червня 2016 р.

Party “Her Majesty Summer”

Party “Her Majesty Summer”
(prepared by the members of the “English club”)

Мета заходу:
1.            продемонструвати знання учнів з англійської мови, здобуті за час навчання;
2.            активізувати вживання лексики в мовленні учні;
3.            розвивти в учнів навички слухання та говоріння;
4.            долучити учнів до культури, традицій країни, мова яких вивчається;
5.            виховувати та підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною   
6.            фомувати естетичні смаки в учнів;
7.            розвинути творчі здібності учнів.

Обладнання: мультимедійний екран, ноутбук та проектор, електронна презентація  “Her MajestySummer”, звукозаписи англійських пісень, декорації та костюми.

Хід заходу

Magician:      If you are a dreamer, come in!
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer…
If you are a pretender, come sit by the fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in!

Compere 1: Good afternoon, everybody! As you know this week is very special in our school because we are having the week of English “The Magic World of Seasons”. So, today we also shall talk about seasons. How many seasons are there in a year? Name them all, please?

Ps: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Compere 1: Right you are!

Compere 2: Now listen to the song and guess what seasons are mentioned in it.
(Children sing to the Video Clip “Seasons Song: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer”)

Song “Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer”
There are four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t.
Four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t.
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
There are four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t. /3t.

Compere 2: Yes, there are four lovely seasons that make up a year. But today we are going to dedicate our party to a special and very beautiful season. Listen and say what season is described in this rhyme?

Magician: This is the season when nights are short,
And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating, swimming all the day
With a merry song on a sunny day.

Children: “Summer!”

Compere 1: Yes, it’s true. Summer is a beautiful season with long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is mostly fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. А great variety of brightly colored odorous summer flowers all around feasts our eyes. 

Compere 2: Summer is the most favourite part of the year for all people. This season makes everybody so happy! Shining sun makes everybody smile and laugh and look at their life positively.

Compere 1: Summer is the time when cherries and apricots are getting ripe. Also we can pick up strawberries, blackberries and many fruits and vegetables. In summer the air is filled with the ringing voices of birds and the buzz of insects.

Compere 2: For the pupils summer means three months long holidays! We love summertime very much because it’s warm and comfortable outside. There’s no need to stay at home or to put on lots of clothes. We can spend time outdoors, walk and play, lie in the sun and swim in the sea or in the river.
Together: We are sure that everybody likes summertime! Let’s invite Her Majesty Summer to our party.

Pupil 1:    Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
In comes Summer!
Out goes, Spring! Ding!

Pupil 2:    Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Welcome Summer!
Good-bye, Spring!

Summer: You’ve called me. And here I am. My dear! I’m so glad to see you in this hall. I’ve taken with me all my friends: my months, animals and birds, trees and flowers. Let’s invite them here too.

Compere 1: Yes, of course. We are waiting for them.

Pupil 3: Summer’s here! Days are long! And the sun is high and strong. Long live, summer! Golden, bright, full of warmth and sweet delight.

Pupil 4:    Sweet summer has come
With games and great fun.
Hurray, hurray!
We’re on holiday!
School is over! Books away!
We can dance and we can play,
We can even sleep all day,
Watch TV and laugh and say:
“Wow! It’s cool! We’re on holiday!”
No more tasks for all the day,
Just be smiling, strong and gay,
It’s so fun to be on holiday!

Months:    We are summer months: June, July and August.

Summer:  June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children’s hands with posies.
Hot July brings apples and cherries,
And a lot of other berries.
August brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is born.

June:        Come, my children, come away.
For the sun shines bright today,
Little children, come with me,
Birds and brooks and flowers see.

Song “Flowers Everywhere” (Tune “Twinkle, Twinkle” by Jean Warren)
Flowers, flowers everywhere,
In the garden, in my hair,
In the vase and at the door.
What a lovely time and more,
Flowers blooming, bringing cheer.
Flowers, flowers everywhere.
(Summer flowers are dancing)

Flowers:  Hello, everybody! We are happy to see you all here!

Poppy:     We want to join you.

Cornflower: We want to sing with you.

Bluebell:   We want to play with you.

Pupil 5: Who are you?

Bluebell:  My name is modest bluebell,
I like the colour of the sky.
I blossom on the meadows,
So green, and nice, and dry.

Lily:         My name is snow-white lily,
And I’m very nice.
I bring my simple beauty
To all the people’s eyes.

Poppy:     My name is gentle poppy,
I blossom red in June.
I try to make you happy
On every sunny day.

Cornflower:  My name is cornflower.
Blue is my colour, too.
I make summer fields beautiful.
For everyone of you.

Rose:        The queen of all the flowers –
It’s me – a lovely rose.
I wear pretty dresses
In summer I come in posies.
Will you let us dance and sing with you?

Summer: Yes, of course. You can join us.

Flowers:   That’s right. That’s right. Let’s sing and dance together.

Song “Pretty Flowers” (Tune “Jingle Bells” by Jean Warren)
Flowers grow here,
Flowers grow there.
Please my eyes and heart,
Making spirit bright.
Flowers dance and sing,
Give us the fresh they bring.
Let us dance and sing with them
Laughing all the way.
Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Growing everywhere.
Here are some pretty flowers
For your coat and hair.
Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Gold and pink and blue.
Red and yellow, orange, purple
We picked them just for you!

Magician: Summer is dancing without rest
In a beautifully charming dress.
Flowers dance round her feet,
Singing birds her coming greet.
But time flies. And one month changes another.

July:         What a pleasure
To watch a sea treasure!
Get your hats and come away,
For it is a pleasant day.

August:    Let us make a merry ring,
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!
Quickly, quickly come away,
For it is a pleasant day.

Summer:   Dear children, it’s high time for you to move and enjoy the beauty of the sea. (Children move and dance to the song “Twist”)

Song “Twist”
Twist your right hand./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left hand./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Twist your right foot./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left foot./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Now dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Twist your right hip./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left hip./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist
Twist, twist.

Twist your right knee./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left knee./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Now dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Oh, dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Pupil 5  The summer sun in the sky,
               Shining, shining up so high,
               Makes it warm for outside fun.

Pupil 6  To play in the park and run
               To swim and hike and fish,
               And to go on a picnic if you wish.

Compere 2: But be attentive preparing to a picnic in order t avoid such situations.

Play “So Who Will Go and Bring a Knife?”
Narrator: Today the Browns go on a picnic. But they need some food to buy in the shop. Mother is busy with the preparation of sandwiches and an apple pie. So, she asks the members of the family to go.

Mother: Will you go shopping, please?

Narrator: Father is the first to answer. He says…

Father: I’m sorry, dear, I can’t. I haven’t cleaned my car yet.

Narrator: Then mother asks her elder son.

Mother: Will you go shopping, Bob?

Bob: There are too many shops to go: the grocery, the greengrocery, the bakery and the butcher’s. And I have only one pair of legs. So, how can I? And, you know, I haven’t done my home reading lesson yet.

Mother: But I… I … I can’t go shopping. I haven’t yet cooked the chicken.

Grandmother: And I’m too old to go shopping…

Ann: I’ll go shopping, then.

Narrator: Says little daughter Ann.

Ann: I’ll take my friend Mary with me. She’ll help me carry the shopping bag.

Mother: Good for you, girls. Here is the shopping bag and here is the money. Don’t forget to buy bread, salt, some cheese and some sausage.

Narrator: Girls come back in half an hour. Everybody is surprised that they have come soon.

Bob: Oh, you have come already. How is that?

Ann: Why, we have been to the supermarket. Here is the change, mummy.
Mother: Thank you very much, girls. But where is the shopping bag?

Ann: Oh, I have left it in the shop. I was so busy answering Mary’s questions!

Mother: Then run back quickly! Take Bob with you. He will carry it now.

Narrator: At last everything is ready for a picnic: the shopping bag is brought, the apple pie is baked, the sandwiches are packed… The family has reached the place after a long walk.

Bob: At last we are here.

Mother: What a beautiful day!

Ann: I’m thirsty.

Bob: I want to eat. Let’s lay the dinner quickly.

Mother: These are some vegetables, some sandwiches, an apple pie… And where is the knife? We have left it at home.

Narrator: All began to ask Bob to come back home and Bring a knife. But Bob flatly refuses, knowing that they'll eat everything by the time he gets back. Somehow, after about half an hour, the Browns manage to convince Bob to go, swearing that they won't touch the food. So, Bob sets off down the road, slow and steady.
One hour passes, but no Bob. Father, mother and Ann are hungry and puzzled, but a promise is a promise. Another hour passes, and still no Bob, but a promise is a promise. After one more hour without Bob in sight, Ann starts getting restless. 

Ann: I need food!

Mother: No! We promised.

Narrator: So, four hours have passed. The Browns realize that Bob probably won’t come, so they take sandwiches, and open their mouths to eat. But then, right at that instant, Bob pops out behind.

Bob: Just for that, I'm not going.

Narrator: At this moment it begins to rain and the family has to come back home.

Compere 1: It happens that the sky is grey and it rains in summer.

June         For the field and for the wood
  Summer rains are very good!

July:         Every river, every pool
  After rain is always full.

August:   Rain in summer sings a song —
         There'll be apples all year long.

Compere 2: After rain the sun comes out and the countryside is fresh and green again.
At this time we can watch a very interesting phenomena – a rainbow. The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops.

Magician: Do you know, children, that a very interesting person lives on a rainbow? It’s Roy G. Biv.

Roy G. Biv: Hello! I’m Roy G. Biv. – a king of colours.
– stands for red.
– stands for orange.
– stands for yellow.
– stands for green.
– stands for blue.
– stands for indigo.
– stands for violet.
And this song is for you. (Song “Roy G. Biv.”)
Roy G. Biv: As you see I know everything about colours. They are my friends.
(7 boys and girls are coming on the stage)
Red: Hello, dear friends! How are you? My name is Red. You see I have a red T-shirt on. My hat is red too. What is red?
Red is an apple
Red is a rose,
Red is a colour of
My frozen, icy nose!
Red is an apple,
Red is a cherry.
Red is a rose
And a ripe strawberry.
Children, what other berries and fruits do you know?
Ps: Blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, watermelons, pears, plums…)

Orange: Let me introduce myself. I’m Orange. What is orange?
Orange is a carrot
And the orange I eat.
Orange are these bright new socks
I wear on my feet!
Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
Of the beak of a parrot.

Yellow: Hi, friends! Look at me. I’m yellow Yellow. What is yellow?
Yellow is a lemon.
Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
In the sky so far.
Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.
Guests, what is yellow?
Ps: Yellow is the sun, a banana, a sunflower…

Green: How are you? Are you in a good mood? People say if you are in a good mood you’re green. What is green?
Green is the grass
Under both my feet.
Green are the branches
Budding in the sun.
And green are many vegetables,
Can you tell us some?
Ps: Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots …

Blue: Good afternoon, boys and girls! My name is Blue. I’m the fifth colour in the rainbow. What is blue?
Blue is the ocean,
Blue are my eyes,
Blue is the sky where
The lonely eagle flies.
Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.
                  Let’s play the game “Colour animals”. Recite the poem with me and slap your hand over your mouth after the word “blue” not to say the name of the animal. If you forget to do this you will have to recite some poem or sing a song.

Colour Animals
Red cat, green cat, yellow cat, blue …, orange cat, black cat, purple cat, too!
Red dog, green dog, yellow dog, blue …, orange dog, black dog, purple dog, too!
(Fox, bear, hare…)

Indigo: Do you know me, children? What is indigo?
Indigo, indigo the richest side of blue.
The Earth as seen from outer space, or deepest ocean hue,
The flowers waving from the pot, are yellow, orange and pink.
Important true for sure each one, at least that’s what they think.
But indigo is the quiet one, with deep and subtle tone.
So rich in depth and purple haze, it proudly stands alone.

Purple: Hello, dear! I’m the last colour in the rainbow. What is puple? Listen to me and I’ll explain to you!
Purple is the colour of love,
Purple is the colour I dream of.
Purple is the colour of passion,
Purple is the latest fashion.
Purple is the colour of glad,
Purple is the best colour they had.
Purple is the colour of laughs,
Purple is what is said on my behalf,
Purple is the colour of me,
Purple is the best , you see.

Roy G. Biv: You have met all my friends I can’t live without. Do you like them?
Now I need 5 volunteers. Will you be so kind and please me. I would like you to find all small rainbows hidden in the hall. He who will find the larger number of rainbows will get a present. Ready, steady, go…
(Children hunt the rainbows in the hall to music)

Roy G. Biv: Good job, friends! Thank you. This song is for you.

Song “The Rainbow Color Song”
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.  
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |   
Roy G. Biv:  Good bye, everybody. See you later.  
Compere 1:  Our party is coming to an end.
Compere 2:  We think you liked it.
Compere 1:  We thank all the participants and Her Majesty Summer!
Summer: Good buy everybody! I’m waiting for you in my kingdom.
Compere 2:  Of course, we are looking forward to our summer holidays too.

1.                  Верещагина И.Н. Читаем сами. – М.: Просвещение1991. с.143
2.                  Pocusa Inna. Rainbow party. – Позакласна робота. Англійська мова / упорядник Л.Мудрак. – К.: П47 Редакції газет гуманітарного циклу. 2012. – 128с. – (Бібліотека «Шкільного світу»)
3.                  http://www.jokebuddha.com/Picnic#ixzz2s5pzu5z2 Turtles and Picnics
5.                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksGiLaIx39c Seasons song
6.                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Qm4AxbqGQ Twist - Right and Left, action song for children by Patty Shukla

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