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Hollywood Party
                           Hollywood  Рarty                         
(Муз. ЗаставкаColombia Pictures”)
В1 Доброго дня! В ефірі спеціальний випуск телепрограми ‘’School News”.
В2 Hello! В нашій школі справжній переполох! Цілий день учні іноземною мовою розповідають одне одному про голлівудську вечірку.
В1 Термінове повідомлення з місця подій. Наш спеціальний кореспондент повідомляє: «Уся школа готуєся до відкриття Hollywood Party».                (Слайд – шоу “Our Stars”).
В1 Які то люди в Голівуді.
В2 Одні зірки, не просто люди!
В1 Одні okey і very good!
В1 и В2 Тож (запрошуєм вас у Голівуд)  Welcome all to Hollywood!
1. Dancing “Charlie Chaplin” (The 6th-A form)
B1 That was the present of the 6th-A form.
B2 Really, our land is rich on talented and gifted people.
B1 So, watch their performances.
2. B2 “The Cat and the Mouse” Stories (The 4th-A form)

Animals Pussy cat, Pussy cat,
                   Where have you been?
The cat:    I’ve been to London to visit a queen.
Queen:  Hello! I’m glad to see you!

Animals: Pussy cat, Pussy cat,
                     What did you do there?
The cat:     I frightened a mouse under her chair.
The cat: Little mouse, little mouse.     
              Where is your house?

The mouse: Little cat, little cat.
                    I have no flat
                    I am a poor mouse
                    I have no house.
The cat: Little mouse, little mouse
              Come into my house

The mouse: Little cat, little cat
                     I cannot do that
                     You want to eat me.

Animals: Poor mouse, poor mouse,
                Come, we will help you.

3. “Hokey-Pokey” Dance

4. B2 Mordern Mouse Composition is for you
(Звучить музика із мультфільму «Том і Джері»)

Mouse: I’am a nice little mouse.
And I have a big house
And now look at me! Look at me!
I am very beautiful
I have big blue eyes.
I am sweeping
I am cleaning
I am working all the day
I am happy
I am merry
I am well
And I am ok!

иходить півень під музику  «Півник ко-ко-ко»)
Cock: Hello! I am cock.
My suit is bright
And my tail is bright. Look!
Will you marry me, dear Miss?

Mouse: No, no. You are so colorful.

(Виходить собака під музику «Собака аф-аф»)
Dog: Bow- wow!
I am Dog Mark.
My suit is dark.
This flower is for you.
Pretty miss, will you marry me?

Mouse: Sorry, I don’t like your voice.

(Виходить під музику “Remember Harry Number Room”)
Wolf: I am wolf Ray
My suit is gray
And I am ok.
Dear mouse, will you marry me?
Mouse: Go away . I am afraid of you.

(Виходить кіт під музику «Кіт у чоботях»)
Cat: Hello!
I am Tom cat
I have a nice hat. Will you marry me?

Mouse: Oh, I like you very much
Your hat is so nice.
I’ ll marry you.     (Муз. Собачий марш)
Cat: All right. That’s good.
I’ll eat you up.
5. “Hit the Road” Dance. (The 6th-A form)
6. B1 enjoy “The Turnip” Performance.  (The 5-B form)
(Пісня” Don’t worry be happy”. Выходит ріпка)
Т: I am a turnip.
 (Виходить дід ‘’Привет меня зовут Игорь”)
Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our garden. I want to pull it out.
(“You cant touch this” – дід тяне ріпку).
G: One, two, three. It is too big for me.
Granny, come here!
Help me please!
(Виходить бабка під музику “ Сoco- jumbo”)
Grandmother: All right! I’ll coming .
(Тяне ріпку під музику “You cant touch this”)
Grandmother : One ,two, three. It is too big for us. Granddaughter! Help us please !
(Пісня із кінофільму «Красотка»).
Granddaughter: All right granny I’ll coming.
(Тяне ріпку під музику “You cant touch this”)
G: One ,two, three. It is too big for me.
Dog, come here! Help us!
(Виходить під музику Dj.Aligator Dogy)
Dog: Bow- wow
I am a dog. I am coming.
(Тяне ріпку під музику “You cant touch this”)
Dog: One ,two, three. It is too big for us.
Cat , help us please!
иходить під музыку” Only you”)
Cat: All right dog I ‘ ll coming.
(Тяне ріпку під музику “You cant touch this”)
Саt: One ,two, three. It is too big for me. Mouse help us!
(Вибігає мишка під музику “I feel good”)
Mouse: All right cat I‘ ll coming.
(Тяне ріпку під музику “You cant touch this”)
M: One ,two, three.
T: Here I am .
All: Oh what a big turnip we have!
(Виходять під музику “You cant touch this”)

7. “Hollywood” dance from the 9th formers.
8. B1 Tale “ Little Red Riding Hood”.
Scene 1
( In a nice little room Little Red Riding Hood’s mother is sitting on a chair looking through a modern fashion magazine and Little Red Riding Hood is listening to heavy metal music on the CD player)

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, our grandmother has lost her mobile phone in the woods. Do you hear me? OK! Go and bring her a new one and also some cola and chips. She likes them very much. Don’t forget to invite her to our restaurant “Ermitazhyk” There will be a talent show tomorrow. I’m sure she will like the idea.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, mother .
(speaking louder than the music)
Mother: Don’t speak to any bikers and gangsters on the way. Don’t stop at all at the way.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, mum. Good bye!
Mother: Bye!
Scene 2
(In the wood. Little Red Riding Hood listens to music. Then she stops and takes off her ear phones. She listens to the sounds of the wood).

Little Red Riding Hood: How are nice it is in the wood!

(A grey wolf  comes and scares her)

Wolf: Hey, baby! What’s your name?
Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood”.
Wolf: Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood: To my Granny. I’m carrying her a new smartphone.
Wolf: Where does she live?
Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in the middle of the wood. (Points there)
Wolf: Oh, I see. Bye!
Little Red Riding Hood: Goodbye! (Puts her ear phones and goes out)
Scene 3

(In grandmother’s room. The wolf is in bed granny’s dress and cap. There is a knock at the door)
Wolf: Who’s there?
Little Red Riding Hood: It’s me Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Come in, please.
Little Red Riding Hood: I’ve got a new smartphone for you.
Wolf: Thanks. Sit nearer, please.
Little Red Riding Hood: How strange! You’ve got such big eyes!
Wolf: To see you better, child.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have!
Wolf: To hear you better.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big teeth you have? Are they real? (looks into the mouth)
Wolf: To eat you up!
Little Red Riding Hood: Help ! Help!
Agents of FBI: Stop Hands up! Catch the wolf! (Выстрел)
Granny: Thank you!
Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you very much!
 Agents of FBI: Not at all.
Granny: Let’s have picnic together.
Little Red Riding Hood and Agents of FBI: Great idea!
( Муз рок)
В1 So, dear friends, you see how important is to learn English.
B2 It can help you to become famous but it’s not so easy!
9. Poem “Learning a Language”
В1 На цьому наша голівудська вечірка підійшла до кінця! Тож до нових зустрічей!
B2 Ра-Ра!
10. Final Song “You Are Simply the Best”.

Party “Her Majesty Summer”
(prepared by the members of the “English club”)

Мета заходу:
1.            продемонструвати знання учнів з англійської мови, здобуті за час навчання;
2.            активізувати вживання лексики в мовленні учні;
3.            розвивти в учнів навички слухання та говоріння;
4.            долучити учнів до культури, традицій країни, мова яких вивчається;
5.            виховувати та підтримувати у школярів мотивацію до оволодіння іноземною   
6.            фомувати естетичні смаки в учнів;
7.            розвинути творчі здібності учнів.

Обладнання: мультимедійний екран, ноутбук та проектор, електронна презентація  “Her Majesty Summer”, звукозаписи англійських пісень, декорації та костюми.

Хід заходу

Magician:      If you are a dreamer, come in!
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer…
If you are a pretender, come sit by the fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in!

Compere 1: Good afternoon, everybody! As you know this week is very special in our school because we are having the week of English “The Magic World of Seasons”. So, today we also shall talk about seasons. How many seasons are there in a year? Name them all, please?

Ps: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Compere 1: Right you are!

Compere 2: Now listen to the song and guess what seasons are mentioned in it.
(Children sing to the Video Clip “Seasons Song: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer”)

Song “Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer”
There are four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t.
Four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t.
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
Can you tell me
What season it is?
Let’s take a look …
There are four seasons
That happen in the year:
Spring, summer, autumn, winter | 2 t. /3t.

Compere 2: Yes, there are four lovely seasons that make up a year. But today we are going to dedicate our party to a special and very beautiful season. Listen and say what season is described in this rhyme?

Magician: This is the season when nights are short,
And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating, swimming all the day
With a merry song on a sunny day.

Children: “Summer!”

Compere 1: Yes, it’s true. Summer is a beautiful season with long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is mostly fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. А great variety of brightly colored odorous summer flowers all around feasts our eyes. 

Compere 2: Summer is the most favourite part of the year for all people. This season makes everybody so happy! Shining sun makes everybody smile and laugh and look at their life positively.

Compere 1: Summer is the time when cherries and apricots are getting ripe. Also we can pick up strawberries, blackberries and many fruits and vegetables. In summer the air is filled with the ringing voices of birds and the buzz of insects.

Compere 2: For the pupils summer means three months long holidays! We love summertime very much because it’s warm and comfortable outside. There’s no need to stay at home or to put on lots of clothes. We can spend time outdoors, walk and play, lie in the sun and swim in the sea or in the river.
Together: We are sure that everybody likes summertime! Let’s invite Her Majesty Summer to our party.

Pupil 1:    Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
In comes Summer!
Out goes, Spring! Ding!

Pupil 2:    Ring-a-ding! Ring-a-ding!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Welcome Summer!
Good-bye, Spring!

Summer: You’ve called me. And here I am. My dear! I’m so glad to see you in this hall. I’ve taken with me all my friends: my months, animals and birds, trees and flowers. Let’s invite them here too.

Compere 1: Yes, of course. We are waiting for them.

Pupil 3: Summer’s here! Days are long! And the sun is high and strong. Long live, summer! Golden, bright, full of warmth and sweet delight.

Pupil 4:    Sweet summer has come
With games and great fun.
Hurray, hurray!
We’re on holiday!
School is over! Books away!
We can dance and we can play,
We can even sleep all day,
Watch TV and laugh and say:
“Wow! It’s cool! We’re on holiday!”
No more tasks for all the day,
Just be smiling, strong and gay,
It’s so fun to be on holiday!

Months:    We are summer months: June, July and August.

Summer:  June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children’s hands with posies.
Hot July brings apples and cherries,
And a lot of other berries.
August brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is born.

June:        Come, my children, come away.
For the sun shines bright today,
Little children, come with me,
Birds and brooks and flowers see.

Song “Flowers Everywhere” (Tune “Twinkle, Twinkle” by Jean Warren)
Flowers, flowers everywhere,
In the garden, in my hair,
In the vase and at the door.
What a lovely time and more,
Flowers blooming, bringing cheer.
Flowers, flowers everywhere.
(Summer flowers are dancing)

Flowers:  Hello, everybody! We are happy to see you all here!

Poppy:     We want to join you.

Cornflower: We want to sing with you.

Bluebell:   We want to play with you.

Pupil 5: Who are you?

Bluebell:  My name is modest bluebell,
I like the colour of the sky.
I blossom on the meadows,
So green, and nice, and dry.

Lily:         My name is snow-white lily,
And I’m very nice.
I bring my simple beauty
To all the people’s eyes.

Poppy:     My name is gentle poppy,
I blossom red in June.
I try to make you happy
On every sunny day.

Cornflower:  My name is cornflower.
Blue is my colour, too.
I make summer fields beautiful.
For everyone of you.

Rose:        The queen of all the flowers –
It’s me – a lovely rose.
I wear pretty dresses
In summer I come in posies.
Will you let us dance and sing with you?

Summer: Yes, of course. You can join us.

Flowers:   That’s right. That’s right. Let’s sing and dance together.

Song “Pretty Flowers” (Tune “Jingle Bells” by Jean Warren)
Flowers grow here,
Flowers grow there.
Please my eyes and heart,
Making spirit bright.
Flowers dance and sing,
Give us the fresh they bring.
Let us dance and sing with them
Laughing all the way.
Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Growing everywhere.
Here are some pretty flowers
For your coat and hair.
Pretty flowers, pretty flowers,
Gold and pink and blue.
Red and yellow, orange, purple
We picked them just for you!

Magician: Summer is dancing without rest
In a beautifully charming dress.
Flowers dance round her feet,
Singing birds her coming greet.
But time flies. And one month changes another.

July:         What a pleasure
To watch a sea treasure!
Get your hats and come away,
For it is a pleasant day.

August:    Let us make a merry ring,
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!
Quickly, quickly come away,
For it is a pleasant day.

Summer:   Dear children, it’s high time for you to move and enjoy the beauty of the sea. (Children move and dance to the song “Twist”)

Song “Twist”
Twist your right hand./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left hand./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Twist your right foot./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left foot./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Now dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Twist your right hip./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left hip./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist
Twist, twist.

Twist your right knee./2t
Twist, twist.
Twist your left knee./2t
Twist, twist.
Turn around,
Shake it down.
And twist, twist.
Twist, twist.

Now dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Oh, dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Do three hops./2 t
Hop, hop.
Dance to the music. /2t
Dance, dance.
Now everybody stop.
Everybody jump.

Pupil 5  The summer sun in the sky,
               Shining, shining up so high,
               Makes it warm for outside fun.

Pupil 6  To play in the park and run
               To swim and hike and fish,
               And to go on a picnic if you wish.

Compere 2: But be attentive preparing to a picnic in order t avoid such situations.

Play “So Who Will Go and Bring a Knife?”
Narrator: Today the Browns go on a picnic. But they need some food to buy in the shop. Mother is busy with the preparation of sandwiches and an apple pie. So, she asks the members of the family to go.

Mother: Will you go shopping, please?

Narrator: Father is the first to answer. He says…

Father: I’m sorry, dear, I can’t. I haven’t cleaned my car yet.

Narrator: Then mother asks her elder son.

Mother: Will you go shopping, Bob?

Bob: There are too many shops to go: the grocery, the greengrocery, the bakery and the butcher’s. And I have only one pair of legs. So, how can I? And, you know, I haven’t done my home reading lesson yet.

Mother: But I… I … I can’t go shopping. I haven’t yet cooked the chicken.

Grandmother: And I’m too old to go shopping…

Ann: I’ll go shopping, then.

Narrator: Says little daughter Ann.

Ann: I’ll take my friend Mary with me. She’ll help me carry the shopping bag.

Mother: Good for you, girls. Here is the shopping bag and here is the money. Don’t forget to buy bread, salt, some cheese and some sausage.

Narrator: Girls come back in half an hour. Everybody is surprised that they have come soon.

Bob: Oh, you have come already. How is that?

Ann: Why, we have been to the supermarket. Here is the change, mummy.
Mother: Thank you very much, girls. But where is the shopping bag?

Ann: Oh, I have left it in the shop. I was so busy answering Mary’s questions!

Mother: Then run back quickly! Take Bob with you. He will carry it now.

Narrator: At last everything is ready for a picnic: the shopping bag is brought, the apple pie is baked, the sandwiches are packed… The family has reached the place after a long walk.

Bob: At last we are here.

Mother: What a beautiful day!

Ann: I’m thirsty.

Bob: I want to eat. Let’s lay the dinner quickly.

Mother: These are some vegetables, some sandwiches, an apple pie… And where is the knife? We have left it at home.

Narrator: All began to ask Bob to come back home and Bring a knife. But Bob flatly refuses, knowing that they'll eat everything by the time he gets back. Somehow, after about half an hour, the Browns manage to convince Bob to go, swearing that they won't touch the food. So, Bob sets off down the road, slow and steady.
One hour passes, but no Bob. Father, mother and Ann are hungry and puzzled, but a promise is a promise. Another hour passes, and still no Bob, but a promise is a promise. After one more hour without Bob in sight, Ann starts getting restless. 

Ann: I need food!

Mother: No! We promised.

Narrator: So, four hours have passed. The Browns realize that Bob probably won’t come, so they take sandwiches, and open their mouths to eat. But then, right at that instant, Bob pops out behind.

Bob: Just for that, I'm not going.

Narrator: At this moment it begins to rain and the family has to come back home.

Compere 1: It happens that the sky is grey and it rains in summer.

June         For the field and for the wood
  Summer rains are very good!

July:         Every river, every pool
  After rain is always full.

August:   Rain in summer sings a song —
         There'll be apples all year long.

Compere 2: After rain the sun comes out and the countryside is fresh and green again.
At this time we can watch a very interesting phenomena – a rainbow. The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops.

Magician: Do you know, children, that a very interesting person lives on a rainbow? It’s Roy G. Biv.

Roy G. Biv: Hello! I’m Roy G. Biv. – a king of colours.
R – stands for red.
O – stands for orange.
Y – stands for yellow.
G – stands for green.
B – stands for blue.
I – stands for indigo.
V – stands for violet.
And this song is for you. (Song “Roy G. Biv.”)
Roy G. Biv: As you see I know everything about colours. They are my friends.
(7 boys and girls are coming on the stage)
Red: Hello, dear friends! How are you? My name is Red. You see I have a red T-shirt on. My hat is red too. What is red?
Red is an apple
Red is a rose,
Red is a colour of
My frozen, icy nose!
Red is an apple,
Red is a cherry.
Red is a rose
And a ripe strawberry.
Children, what other berries and fruits do you know?
Ps: Blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, watermelons, pears, plums…)

Orange: Let me introduce myself. I’m Orange. What is orange?
Orange is a carrot
And the orange I eat.
Orange are these bright new socks
I wear on my feet!
Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
Of the beak of a parrot.

Yellow: Hi, friends! Look at me. I’m yellow Yellow. What is yellow?
Yellow is a lemon.
Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
In the sky so far.
Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.
Guests, what is yellow?
Ps: Yellow is the sun, a banana, a sunflower…

Green: How are you? Are you in a good mood? People say if you are in a good mood you’re green. What is green?
Green is the grass
Under both my feet.
Green are the branches
Budding in the sun.
And green are many vegetables,
Can you tell us some?
Ps: Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots …

Blue: Good afternoon, boys and girls! My name is Blue. I’m the fifth colour in the rainbow. What is blue?
Blue is the ocean,
Blue are my eyes,
Blue is the sky where
The lonely eagle flies.
Blue is the ocean.
Blue is the sky.
Blue are the blueberries
I put into the pie.
                  Let’s play the game “Colour animals”. Recite the poem with me and slap your hand over your mouth after the word “blue” not to say the name of the animal. If you forget to do this you will have to recite some poem or sing a song.

Colour Animals
Red cat, green cat, yellow cat, blue …, orange cat, black cat, purple cat, too!
Red dog, green dog, yellow dog, blue …, orange dog, black dog, purple dog, too!
(Fox, bear, hare…)

Indigo: Do you know me, children? What is indigo?
Indigo, indigo the richest side of blue.
The Earth as seen from outer space, or deepest ocean hue,
The flowers waving from the pot, are yellow, orange and pink.
Important true for sure each one, at least that’s what they think.
But indigo is the quiet one, with deep and subtle tone.
So rich in depth and purple haze, it proudly stands alone.

Purple: Hello, dear! I’m the last colour in the rainbow. What is puple? Listen to me and I’ll explain to you!
Purple is the colour of love,
Purple is the colour I dream of.
Purple is the colour of passion,
Purple is the latest fashion.
Purple is the colour of glad,
Purple is the best colour they had.
Purple is the colour of laughs,
Purple is what is said on my behalf,
Purple is the colour of me,
Purple is the best , you see.

Roy G. Biv: You have met all my friends I can’t live without. Do you like them?
Now I need 5 volunteers. Will you be so kind and please me. I would like you to find all small rainbows hidden in the hall. He who will find the larger number of rainbows will get a present. Ready, steady, go…
(Children hunt the rainbows in the hall to music)

Roy G. Biv: Good job, friends! Thank you. This song is for you.

Song “The Rainbow Color Song”
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.  
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |   
Roy G. Biv:  Good bye, everybody. See you later.  
Compere 1:  Our party is coming to an end.
Compere 2:  We think you liked it.
Compere 1:  We thank all the participants and Her Majesty Summer!
Summer: Good buy everybody! I’m waiting for you in my kingdom.
Compere 2:  Of course, we are looking forward to our summer holidays too.

1.                  Верещагина И.Н. Читаем сами. – М.: Просвещение, 1991. с.143
2.                  Pocusa Inna. Rainbow party. – Позакласна робота. Англійська мова / упорядник Л.Мудрак. – К.: П47 Редакції газет гуманітарного циклу. 2012. – 128с. – (Бібліотека «Шкільного світу»)
3.                  http://www.jokebuddha.com/Picnic#ixzz2s5pzu5z2 Turtles and Picnics
5.                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksGiLaIx39c Seasons song
6.                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Qm4AxbqGQ Twist - Right and Left, action song for children by Patty Shukla

Music Room
(Виховний захід з англійської мови для учнів 8-их класів)

Мета заходу:
1.                Розвивати інтелектуальні, мовленнєві та творчі здібності учнів;
2.                Формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
3.                Повторити та закріпити вивчений матеріал;
4.                Вчити дітей колективній діяльності, співпраці.

Обладнання: мультимедійний екран, ноутбук та проектор, електронна   
                        презентація   “Music Room”, звукозаписи англійських     
                            пісень, гітара, мікрофон, нагороди.

Compere 1: HelloguysHow are you? Hope you are OK. Welcome to our Music room.
   Frankly speaking, I can’t imagine my life without music. You may hear it practically everywhere: at home, at school, in the streets, on public transport, in restaurants or cafes, and in supermarkets. You may hear music from CD players, mobile phones and tablet PCs. You may listen to music during concerts, television shows and movies…
  And what about you? Do you agree with me?

Compere 2: Yes, we do. Music is everywhere….
In the birds in the air.
In the hum of the honeybee.
In the song of the breeze
As it shivers the trees.
In the river that murmurs
Over the stones.
In the snowstorm that moans…

In the surge of the sea
lapping the shore.
In the roar of the storm
rattling the door.
In the drum of the rain
on the windowpane.
Music is here.
Filling your ear.

Compere 3Дозвольте я скажу це українською мовою.
 Пташиний спів на гілці,
 Журчання бджіл у квітці.
 Мотив легенький вітерця,
 Як колискова деревця.
 Журчить водиця по камінню
 Хурделиця узимку завива 
 І це все музика нам навива.

Compere 1Music plays an important role in our life. It gives us refreshment from our daily routine, raises our spirit and makes us think.

Compere 2: Now there are a lot of various styles of music. Can you name some of them? (What styles of music do you know?)

Possible answers:
Classical music, folk music, pop-music, jazz, blues, rock, rap, rock, reggae and so on.
Compere 1: And now the first contest for our guests.

Compere 2: Listen to the eight pieces of music and identify each type. Do not cry out your answers. Just raise your hand and answer the question.

Compere 1: For each right answer you’ll get a special token. Your task is to collect as many tokens as possible. At the end of our program we’ll count them and see who is the best expert of music.

Contest 1 “Guess the style of music”

Music 1                                  Jazz (Louis Armstrong)
Music 2                                  Classical music (Beethoven K Elise)
Music 3                                  Rock-n-roll (Elvis Presley)
Music 4                                  Folk music (Irish Folk Music)
Music 5                                  Pop music (Elton John)
Music 6                                  Hip-Hop
Music 7                                  Reggae (Bob Marley)
Music 8                                  Rock (Bon Jovi)                                

Compere 1: This is a musical present for our winners from the pupil of the 9th form.

Compere 3: Everybody can listen to the music he prefers.

Compere 4: Classical music enriches the spiritual life of the man, awakens his thought, and develops his imagination.
Compere 1: Light music improves the man's mood, heightens his capacity for work.

Compere 2: Rhythmical music gives a supply of cheerfulness.

Compere 3: People of the elder generation prefer light music, they enjoy lyrical songs, soft tunes, the so-called "songs to warm the heart", performed by well-known singers.

Compere 4: As for the young people, they look for new rhythms and new styles, and they find these in pop-music.

Compere 1: It's quite natural; youth all over the world enjoys dancing, and pop-music provides this opportunity.

Compere 2: Some youngsters get crazy about the music played by rock-musicians.

Compere 3: Crowds of rock-fans pack large stadiums in order to give vent to their emotions and energy.
Compere 4: Today we are going to talk about the true facts about the origin of modern music styles. Listen to this information attentively and be ready to answer the questions of our “Music Quiz”.
From Rock’n’Roll to Pop and Rap
   1. The rock’n’roll started in the United States with black musicians, the great rhythm’n’blues players: Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker and Chuck Berry.
         Forty years ago black music and white music were two completely separated things. Chuck Berry was the first black musician to cross the barrier and sell records to both black and white young people. His songs were about the lives of teenagers. In 1958 he had a big hit with Sweet Little Sixteen.

      2. Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly mixed black music with white ‘country’ music to create rock’n’roll. All this was happening in the United States. But people in Britain were listening to this music, too. The black rhythm’n’blues singers and the best rock’n’roll stars like Eddie Cochran and Buddy Holly were more popular in Britain than in the States.

       3.Then, in the 1960s, a strange thing happened. The wind across the Atlantic Ocean changed direction. The British invaded America – The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kings, The Who. There were concerts with tens of thousands of fans. Girls screamed and fainted. The name of music – rock’n’roll – changed to ‘rock’.

       4. In the 1960s the style of the musicians changed a lot. Before this time singers used to dress smartly and have short hair. Then there appeared groups, not solo singers. And they started to wear crazy clothes and their hair got longer and longer. By 1968 groups were all in ‘hippie’ clothes. The guitar became as important as the voice: Jim Hendrix and Eric Clapton were guitarists more than singers.

       5. In the 1970s rock went in two different directions. On the soft side, Elton John, Rod Stewart and the Swedish group Abba became very popular with people of all ages. On the hard side, The Sex Pistols, The Strangers and The Banshees, and a few other bands started to play loud, violent music called ‘punk’. Punk was also important as a fashion in clothes.

       6. Something new and different arrived in 1975. it came from Jamaica in the Caribbean. I had a heavy dance beat, but was not too fast. It was called ‘reggae’, and its superstar was Bob Marley. Reggae was a mix of rock, African and South American music. It had a massage of peace and optimism. Marley sang:
‘Don’t worry about a thing
Cos every little thing
Gonna be all right.’

       7. Today there is a number of different music styles – pop, heavy metal, rap, dance, indie, etc. But they all originate from good old rock’n’roll.

Compere 1: We hope you are ready to answer some questions of our ‘Music Quiz’.

1. Where did rock’n’roll start?
a) In Great Britain,
b) In Jamaica,
c) In the USA.

2. Who was one of the first white singers to mix rhythm’n’blues and ‘country and western’?
a) Michael Jackson,
b) Elvis Presley,
c) Bob Marley.

3. When did rock go into two different directions?
a) in 1950s,
b) in 1960s,
c) in 1970s.

4. Who was the first superstar of ‘reggae’ style.
a) Michael Jackson,
b) Elvis Presley,
c) Bob Marley.

5. What song was the first single record of the Beatles?
b)    “Love Me Do”,
c)     “All You Need Is Love”.

6. Where can you here gospel music?
a) In churches in the southern USA,
b) At the dance club in Australia,
c) At weddings in Asia.

7. Who was killed in New York  by Mark Chapman, a madman, on December 8, 1980?
a) Elvis Presley,
b) Ringo Starr,
c) John Lennon.
8. Who was one of the first black musician to cross the barrier and sell records to both black and white teenagers?
a) Chuck Berry,
b) Elton John,
c) Boob Marley.
Compere 2:  Great job! Thank you very much! You are clever and smart and this musical present is for you.

Compere 1: Let’s come to our next contest. Please, look at the photos of some singers or the bands and match their names to the photos.

Contest 3 “Match the singers to their photos”.
1.      a) The Beatles
     b) Scorpions
     c) Okean Elzy
2.  a) The Beatles
     b) ABBA
     c) Scorpions
3.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
4.  a) Okean Elzy
     b) Scorpions
     c) The Beatles
5.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
6.  a) Elton John
     b) Eminem
     c) Michael Jackson

Compere 2: Now match the singers to the songs.

Contest 4 “Match the singers to the songs”.
1. Whitney Houston
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
2. Sting
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
3. Adele
    a) Someone Like You
    b) Whenever, Wherever…
    c) Hurt
4. Christina Aguilera
    a) Whenever, Wherever…
    b) Hurt
    c) Someone Like You

Compere 2: This is a musical present for our winners from the pupil of the 7th  form.

Compere 3: Let’s come to our last contest “Guess the Singer”. Listen, please, to some pieces of music and guess the singer or music band; it would be great if you name the exact name of the song.

Contest 5 “Guess the singer”.   
Key: Singer 1                    Madonna (Hollywood…)
         Singer 2                    The Beatles (Yesterday)
         Singer 3                    Shakira (Whenever, Wherever…)
         Singer 4                    ABBA (Money, Money…)
         Singer 5                    Bob Marley (One Love)
         Singer 6                    Bon Jovi (It’s My Life)                          

Compere 4:  We are happy that you love music and know a lot of things about different styles of music. Long live music! May it accompanies you all your life! Sing and dance as much as possible. Our dance is a present for you.

1. Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова. 8 клас -  Тернопіль: Лібра Терра. 2012. 
2. Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова. 9 клас - К: Генеза. 2009.
3. Ітернет ресурси.

Участь учнів початкової школи в флешмобі 
"We Like to Move It, Move It"



Літній англомовний табір
Young & Talented Day

Мета заходу:
1.      Підвищити рівень мовної, мовленнєвої та соціокультурної компетенції учнів;
2.      Допомагати школярам удосконалювати усне мовлення та непомітно долати мовний бар’єр;
3.      Мотивувати учнів удосконалювати рівень володіння англійською мовою;
4.      Навчати дітей працювати в командах;
5.      Розкрити таланти учнів;
6.      Зацікавити дітей;
7.      Поєднати навчання із активним відпочинком.

Обладнання: завдання для гри-квесту, презентація для Music Room”, телевізор, проектор, ноутбук, смайлики та жетончики-скріпічні ключі, маркери, кольоровий папір, клей, солодкі призи.

Хід заходу
І. Introduction
1. Grouping (Формування учнівських груп).
Teacher: Dear children! We are glad to meet you at our Language Summer camp on its seventh day of work – Young & Talented Day! You’ll work with the teachers of school number four.  Today well have a smart game – quest “Talents Hunting”. Our aim is to share our experience in developing lingua-social-cultural competence, to widen your outlook, to encourage you to speak and discover your talents.
   Golda Meir once said, “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you’ll be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievements.”
                      We’ll play a game for you,
                      We hope, dear children, you’ll enjoy it too.
                       Enjoy our game; enjoy our quest.
                       Remember: we never say, “We can’t”,
                       We always say, “We try”.
                       We can climb to the hilltop,
                       And never at the bottom stop.

   But at first you’ll be joined into four groups. We’ll do it with the help of a game. Do a puzzle and make up a picture of some London's sight.

2. The Code of Conduct (Встановлення правил поведінки під час роботи в групах)
Teacher: For our fruitful work we need some rules of  behaviour. So, let’s work out our “Code of Conduct”:
·         be polite
·         be optimistic
·         be active
·         be creative
·         be motivated
·         English only
·         the rule of the right hand
·         never give up

3. Teams’ Presentations (Презентація команд)
  • name
  • motto
  • leader
  • poster
  • adjective

II. Main Part
1.                  Game-Quest “Talents Hunting”
Teacher: In the centre of our town there are five stations: Guess the Riddles”, “Meridian”, “Young Poets”, “We Like to Move It, Move It”, “Music Room”, which you have to find, come through and collect as many smileys and other tokens as possible. Your task is also to collect word-hints to make up a sentence – a password to the last station. 
а) “Guess the Riddles Station
1. It’s a man. He makes a show in the circus. Children love him a lot. He is funny and friendly.  (A clown)
2. There are a lot of them in the classrooms and outside. You can find them in special shops and the school yard. People like to give them to other people as a present. (Flowers)
3. It’s an animal. It’s wild. It doesn’t have glasses but you can see them on its face.
(A panda)
4. A dish. You need 3 eggs, some milk and salt. (An omelet)
5. It can be a boy or a girl. It can’t talk or walk. It sleeps and cries a lot. (A baby)
6. It’s a thing. It can be blue, yellow, red and so on. (A balloon)
7. Take an English book. Find page  33  , line   8 , word  4 .  (Password – room)


b) “Meridan” Station
Geography Quiz
1.                  What is the name of the biggest ocean on Earth?                          /The Pacific Ocean/
2.                  What is the biggest state in the USA?                                            /Alaska/
3.                  What is the capital of Australia?                                                     /Canberra/
4.                  True or false? The Danube is the longest river in the world.          /False/
5.  How is the northern part of Scotland called?                                  /The Highland/
6.  What is the longest river on the British Isles?                                 /The Severn /
7. In the following line of letters cross out six letters so that the remaining letters, without altering (changing) their sequence, will spell a familiar English word.
(Password – welcome)

c) “Young Poets” Station
Teacher: Welcome to “Young Poets” station. It’s not surprising that we have it near the monument to our national poet Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko.
1. By the way what British and American poets do you know? (William Shakespeare, P B Shelley, Lord Byron, John Keats, Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Emily Dickinson, Robert Louis Stevenson…)
2. Now you will play the role of young poets and write a rhyme:
Hot – a lot,
Sun – fun,
Walk – talk,
Swim – dream.

3. To get your password you have to guess the name of the poet.

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
 Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
 If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
 If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
 I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
 But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
 And in some perfumes is there more delight
 Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
 I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
 That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
 I grant I never saw a goddess go;
 My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
    And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
    As any she belied with false compare. (William Shakespeare Sonnet 130)
(Password – to)

d) “We Like to Move It, Move It” Station
T: Listen to some pieces of music and think of the best movements to the music, then demonstrate them.     (Password – music)

e) “Music Room” Station
Teacher:   Frankly speaking, I can’t imagine my life without music. You may hear it practically everywhere: at home, at school, in the streets, on public transport, in restaurants or cafes, and in supermarkets. You may hear music from CD players, mobile phones and tablet PCs. You may listen to music during concerts, television shows and movies…
                                         Music is everywhere….
In the birds in the air.
In the hum of the honeybee.
In the song of the breeze
As it shivers the trees.
In the river that murmurs
Over the stones.
In the snowstorm that moans…

In the surge of the sea
lapping the shore.
In the roar of the storm
rattling the door.
In the drum of the rain
on the windowpane.
Music is here.
Filling your ear.

   Now let’s come to our next contests.
1. Contest 1 “Match the singers to their photos”.
Т: Please, look at the photos of some singers or the bands and match their names to the photos. (Bизначіть співака за фото)
1.a) The Beatles
     b) Scorpions
     c) Okean Elzy
2.  a) The Beatles
     b) ABBA
     c) Scorpions
3.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
4.  a) Okean Elzy
     b) Scorpions
     c) The Beatles
5.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
6.  a) Elton John
     b) Eminem
     c) Michael Jackson

2. Contest 2 “Match the singers to the songs”.
Т: Now match the singers to the songs. ( Доберіть співака та його пісню)
1. Whitney Houston
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
2. Sting
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
3. Adele
    a) Someone Like You
    b) Whenever, Wherever…
    c) Hurt
4. Christina Aguilera
    a) Whenever, Wherever…
    b) Hurt
    c) Someone Like You

3. Contest 3 “Guess the singer”.
Т: Let’s come to our last contest “Guess the Singer”. Listen, please, to some pieces of music and guess the singer or music band; it would be great if you name the exact name of the song. (Визначіть співака та пісню за мелодією)
Key: Singer 1                    Madonna (Hollywood…)
         Singer 2                    The Beatles (Yesterday)
         Singer 3                    Shakira (Whenever, Wherever…)
         Singer 4                    ABBA (Money, Money…)
         Singer 5                    Bob Marley (One Love)
         Singer 6                    Bon Jovi (It’s My Life)     (Singing together)                      

 T: Now let's count your smileys and other tokens and find out which team is the winner.

III. Summarizing
Fortune Teller
Маршрути всіх команд закінчуються на станції “Music Room”, де вони отримують  додаткове завдання: створити проект “Flower Fortune Teller”.
T: Write on each petal a sentence about what will happen to your groupmates in the future. You can write serious or funny things. You can use the Future Simple Tense or the phrase “to be going to”. And create your “Flower Fortune Teller”.

Teacher: I would like to finish our contest with the words of Henry Ford:
                  “Coming together is a beginning,
                    Keeping together is a progress,
                    Working together is success.”
         So, I wish good luck and success to everybody.

1. Газета "English language & culture" #9, May2016, p 7-18
2. Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова. 8 клас -  Тернопіль: Лібра Терра. 2012. 
3. Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова. 9 клас - К: Генеза. 2009.
4. Ітернет ресурси.

Brain Ring
для учнів 7-х класів

Мета заходу: 1. Узагальнити знання учнів про значення англійської мови
                        у світі, важливість її вивчення;
                            2. Розширити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона та
                        англійські прислівя;
                            3. Формувати естетичні смаки в учнів;
                            4. Вчити дітей працювати колективно в команді.

Обладнання: тематичні газети, зображення визначних місць Лондона,
                         обладнання для проведення брейн рингу, компютер, мелодії
                         пісень „If YOU ARE HAPPY”, “Hockey Pockey”, “Come and
                         Meet My Family”, пісочний годинник, нагороди.

Teacher: Dear children, you know that English is very popular in the world now.
               Because, it is the language of international communication and friendship
               The English language helps people to work together. It also helps us learn
               more about English-speaking countries, their culture and traditions. It
               helps children use the computer, make new friends and learn a lot of
               interesting things.
                   Today we have a smart game – Brain ring “English In Our Life”.
                   Let’s meet our 4 team-participants and their presentations.

Song “We Are So Glad…”

Team 1 / “Red Rose” /
-         Today we have a game and we are happy to greet all the players and all the guests. My team consists of 6 members. They are…
-         My name is … I’m joyful. My name is… I’m a lazybone….
-         The emblem of our team is a flower with tender smell. It has thorns on its stem. And it is not only our emblem, but also the emblem of England.

Team 2 / “Big Ben” /
-         Hi, we are the pupils of the … form. Our team consists of 6 players.
     They are…
-         My name is… I’m happy. ….
-         Our emblem is a tower. It is one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. It is a tower with a clock. The clock has 4 faces and a very
     big loud bell. The man in charge of the building of the Houses of
     Parliament was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall, and 
     workers and his friends called him ….  So, they called the bell and the
    Clock Tower …  too.

Team 3 / “Happiness” /
-         All of us are the pupils of the 7th form and we are friends. We wish you to win this game, to be stronger than we are. These are the members
     of our team …
-         My name is…. I like to help people. ….
-         This song will help you to guess the emblem of our team.
     Song “If You Are Happy..”

Team 4 / “Thames” /
-         Good afternoon! We are glad to see you. Meet the members of our team.
-         I’m …. I’m cheerful.
-         Our emblem is a very beautiful river. But you cannot see it in Ukraine. A very old town Londinium was situated on the Tins River. The town
     was renamed but the name of the river is the same.

Teacher:  We  have 4 teams and I want to introduce our honourable jury that
                will judge today’s competition. These are…..
                    And for you, dear pupils, I wish good luck and success. Be very
                 attentive and don’t be afraid, everything will be all right.
                     We’ve come to Round 1 of the competition. It is very easy and very
                 difficult at the same time, because you must complete the proverbs.
                 During the round we’ll have 4 games. So, each team will have the
                 opportunity to meat one another. Let’s recollect the rules of our smart
                 game. After the question is asked, you have one minute for discussion.
                 The team which will switch on the lamp first will have the right to
                 answer. If your answer is not correct, another team has the opportunity
                 to answer.

Round 1

Game 1  1. East or West ……  / home is best. /
               2. Good health is ….  / above wealth. /
                 3. So many countries …. / so many customs. /
                 4. A Friend in need ….  / is a friend indeed. /

Game 2  1. Everything is good  ….  / in its season. /
                 2. An apple a day  ….  / keeps the doctor away. /
                 3. It’s never too late  ….  / to learn. /

                 4. The smallest friend can be ….  / the strongest help. /

Game 3  1. Tastes  ….  / differ. /
                 2. Early to bed, early to rise  ….  / makes a person healthy and wise. /
                 3. All is well  ….  / that ends well. /
                 4. Better late  ….  / than never. /

Game 4  1. There is no bad weather  ….  / there are bad clothes. /
                 2. Early bird  ….  / catches the worm. /
                 3. There is no place  ….  / like home. /
                 4. First think  ….  / then speak. /

Teacher:  As I’ve mantioned, English is very popular nowadays. Many people
                 study it. And you began to learn English when you were junior pupils.
                 Today I invited the pupils of the second form to show how they know

Song “Come and Meet My Family”

Teacher: Let’s come to Round 2. We are going to talk about the English
                language and its role in the world.

Round 2

Game 1 1. Name 5 reasons why we should learn English.
                2. Is it true that an Italion pilot in an Italian airplane speaks to an Italian
                airport in English?                                      / Yes, it’s true. /
                3. What year was announced the European year of languages?
                                                                                    / 2000 /
                4. How many world’s newspapers are in English ?       / a half of 10,000 /
Game 2 1. Is it true that English is the first most widely used language in the
               world?                                 / No, it isn’t. It is the second after Chinese. /
                2. What are the differences between British and American English?
                   / They are in spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary /
                3. What per cent of the world’s letters are in English?          / 75 % /
                4. What is the American equivalent to the British word “autumn”?
                                                                                                        / Fall /
Game 3 1. Why is English a multicultural language?
                                                                / It has taken words from other countries /
                2. Is it true that there are 370 native speakers of English?
                                                                / No, it isn’t. There are 372 mln. /
                3. What per cent of the world’s computer information is in English?
                                                                                                         / 80% /
                4. What is the American equivalent to the British word “shop”?
                                                                                                        / Store /
Game 4 1. How has international communication influenced English?
                       / International communication has created specialised English,
                         such as Internet English or text message English. /
                2. How many world’s telephones ring in English-speaking countries?
                                                                                                        / half /
                3. Is it true that 80% of world’s population use English in their lives?
                                                                                       /  No, it isn’t. 20% /
                4. What is the American equivalent of the British word “post”?
                                                                                          / Mail /

Song “Hockey Pockey”

Teacher:  And now Round 3. Our next task will deal with the topic “London”.
                 Guess the famous places of interest in London. Switch on the light.

Round 3

Game 1 1. A place which was a fortress, a prison, the King’s Zoo and now it
                is a museum.                       / The Tower of London /
                2. The largest park in London where there is Speaker’s Corner.
                                                             / Hyde Park /
                3. What is the name of the most famous English writer?
                                                               / William Shakespeare /
                4. What is the official royal residence in London?
                                                               / Buckingham Palace /

Game 2 1. The place where many English queens and kings were crowned and
               buried.                                       / Westminster Abbey /
                2. The name of the most famous bridge in London – a symbol of the city.
                                                                 / Tower Bridge /
                3. One of the central squares in London. It is the meeting point of 6
               streets.                                        / Piccadilly Circus /
                 4. Do you know the legend of the ravens which live in the tower of
                London?             / If there is no ravens in the Tower it will fall /

Game 3 1. A large clock, a bell – the symbol of London. / Big Ben /
                2. One of the greatest English cathedrals which was built by Sir
                Christofer Wren.                        / St. Paul’s Cathedral /
                 3.Name the most favourite holiday of the English people.
                                                                   / Christmas /
                 4. The seat of the British Parliament.   / The Houses of Parliament /

Game 4 1. One of the central squares in London with Nelson’s Column in the
               centre.                                         / Trafalgar Square /
                2. What park contains the famous London Zoo?  / Regent’s Park /
                3. Where can we see the ceremony of changing of the guard?
                                                                   / At Buckingham Palace /
                4. How do Englishmen call their famous red buses?
                                                                  / Double-deckers /

Teacher: Thank you for the game. It is over . Now our jury will tell us the score
                and we’ll greet the winner.

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