середу, 6 липня 2016 р.

Літній англомовний табір Young & Talented Day

Літній англомовний табір
Young & Talented Day

Мета заходу:
1.      Підвищити рівень мовної, мовленнєвої та соціокультурної компетенції учнів;
2.      Допомагати школярам удосконалювати усне мовлення та непомітно долати мовний бар’єр;
3.      Мотивувати учнів удосконалювати рівень володіння англійською мовою;
4.      Навчати дітей працювати в командах;
5.      Розкрити таланти учнів;
6.      Зацікавити дітей;
7.      Поєднати навчання із активним відпочинком.

Обладнання: завдання для гри-квесту, презентація для Music Room”, телевізор, проектор, ноутбук, смайлики та жетончики-скріпічні ключі, маркери, кольоровий папір, клей, солодкі призи.

Хід заходу
І. Introduction
1. Grouping (Формування учнівських груп).
Teacher: Dear children! We are glad to meet you at our Language Summer camp on its seventh day of work – Young & Talented Day! You’ll work with the teachers of school number four.  Today well have a smart game – quest “Talents Hunting”. Our aim is to share our experience in developing lingua-social-cultural competence, to widen your outlook, to encourage you to speak and discover your talents.
   Golda Meir once said, “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you’ll be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievements.”
                      We’ll play a game for you,
                      We hope, dear children, you’ll enjoy it too.
                       Enjoy our game; enjoy our quest.
                       Remember: we never say, “We can’t”,
                       We always say, “We try”.
                       We can climb to the hilltop,
                       And never at the bottom stop.

   But at first you’ll be joined into four groups. We’ll do it with the help of a game. Do a puzzle and make up a picture of some London's sight.

2. The Code of Conduct (Встановлення правил поведінки під час роботи в групах)
Teacher: For our fruitful work we need some rules of  behaviour. So, let’s work out our “Code of Conduct”:
·         be polite
·         be optimistic
·         be active
·         be creative
·         be motivated
·         English only
·         the rule of the right hand
·         never give up

3. Teams’ Presentations (Презентація команд)
  • name
  • motto
  • leader
  • poster
  • adjective

II. Main Part
1.                  Game-Quest “Talents Hunting”
Teacher: In the centre of our town there are five stations: Guess the Riddles”, “Meridian”, “Young Poets”, “We Like to Move ItMove It”, “Music Room”, which you have to find, come through and collect as many smileys and other tokens as possible. Your task is also to collect word-hints to make up a sentence – a password to the last station. 
а) “Guess the Riddles Station
1. It’s a man. He makes a show in the circus. Children love him a lot. He is funny and friendly.  (A clown)
2. There are a lot of them in the classrooms and outside. You can find them in special shops and the school yard. People like to give them to other people as a present. (Flowers)
3. It’s an animal. It’s wild. It doesn’t have glasses but you can see them on its face.
(A panda)
4. A dish. You need 3 eggs, some milk and salt. (An omelet)
5. It can be a boy or a girl. It can’t talk or walk. It sleeps and cries a lot. (A baby)
6. It’s a thing. It can be blue, yellow, red and so on. (A balloon)
7. Take an English book. Find page  33  , line   8 , word  4 .  (Password – room)


b) “Meridan” Station
Geography Quiz
1.                  What is the name of the biggest ocean on Earth?                          /The Pacific Ocean/
2.                  What is the biggest state in the USA?                                            /Alaska/
3.                  What is the capital of Australia?                                                     /Canberra/
4.                  True or false? The Danube is the longest river in the world.          /False/
5.  How is the northern part of Scotland called?                                  /The Highland/
6.  What is the longest river on the British Isles?                                 /The Severn /
7. In the following line of letters cross out six letters so that the remaining letters, without altering (changing) their sequence, will spell a familiar English word.
(Password – welcome)

c) “Young Poets” Station
Teacher: Welcome to “Young Poets” station. It’s not surprising that we have it near the monument to our national poet Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko.
1. By the way what British and American poets do you know? (William Shakespeare, P B Shelley, Lord Byron, John Keats, Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Emily Dickinson, Robert Louis Stevenson…)
2. Now you will play the role of young poets and write a rhyme:
Hot – a lot,
Sun – fun,
Walk – talk,
Swim – dream.

3. To get your password you have to guess the name of the poet.

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
 Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
 If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
 If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
 I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
 But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
 And in some perfumes is there more delight
 Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
 I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
 That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
 I grant I never saw a goddess go;
 My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
    And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
    As any she belied with false compare. (William Shakespeare Sonnet 130)
(Password – to)

d) “We Like to Move It, Move It” Station
T: Listen to some pieces of music and think of the best movements to the music, then demonstrate them.     (Password – music)

e) “Music Room” Station
Teacher:   Frankly speaking, I can’t imagine my life without music. You may hear it practically everywhere: at home, at school, in the streets, on public transport, in restaurants or cafes, and in supermarkets. You may hear music from CD players, mobile phones and tablet PCs. You may listen to music during concerts, television shows and movies…
                                         Music is everywhere….
In the birds in the air.
In the hum of the honeybee.
In the song of the breeze
As it shivers the trees.
In the river that murmurs
Over the stones.
In the snowstorm that moans…

In the surge of the sea
lapping the shore.
In the roar of the storm
rattling the door.
In the drum of the rain
on the windowpane.
Music is here.
Filling your ear.

   Now let’s come to our next contests.
1. Contest 1 “Match the singers to their photos”.
Т: Please, look at the photos of some singers or the bands and match their names to the photos. (Bизначіть співака за фото)
1.a) The Beatles
     b) Scorpions
     c) Okean Elzy
2.  a) The Beatles
     b) ABBA
     c) Scorpions
3.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
4.  a) Okean Elzy
     b) Scorpions
     c) The Beatles
5.  a) Lady Gaga
     b) Madonna
     c) Adele
6.  a) Elton John
     b) Eminem
     c) Michael Jackson

2. Contest 2 “Match the singers to the songs”.
Т: Now match the singers to the songs. ( Доберіть співака та його пісню)
1. Whitney Houston
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
2. Sting
    a) Hello
    b) I Will Always Love You
    c) Shape of My Hart
3. Adele
    a) Someone Like You
    b) Whenever, Wherever…
    c) Hurt
4. Christina Aguilera
    a) Whenever, Wherever…
    b) Hurt
    c) Someone Like You

3. Contest 3 “Guess the singer”.
Т: Let’s come to our last contest “Guess the Singer”. Listen, please, to some pieces of music and guess the singer or music band; it would be great if you name the exact name of the song. (Визначіть співака та пісню за мелодією)
KeySinger 1                    Madonna (Hollywood…)
         Singer 2                    The Beatles (Yesterday)
         Singer 3                    Shakira (Whenever, Wherever…)
         Singer 4                    ABBA (Money, Money…)
         Singer 5                    Bob Marley (One Love)
         Singer 6                    Bon Jovi (It’s My Life)     (Singing together)                      

 T: Now let's count your smileys and other tokens and find out which team is the winner.

Fortune Teller
Маршрути всіх команд закінчуються на станції “Music Room”, де вони отримують  додаткове завдання: створити проект “Flower Fortune Teller”.
T: Write on each petal a sentence about what will happen to your groupmates in the future. You can write serious or funny things. You can use the Future Simple Tense or the phrase “to be going to”. And create your “Flower Fortune Teller”.

Teacher: I would like to finish our contest with the words of Henry Ford:
                  “Coming together is a beginning,
                    Keeping together is a progress,
                    Working together is success.”
         So, I wish good luck and success to everybody.

1. Газета "English language & culture" #9, May2016, p 7-18
2. Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова. 8 клас -  Тернопіль: Лібра Терра. 2012. 
3. Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова. 9 клас - К: Генеза. 2009.
4. Ітернет ресурси.

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