Розробки уроків

План-конспект уроку
Тема уроку: Our Planet Is Our Home
(Наша планета – це наш спільний дім)
Мета уроку:
·   тренувати учнів у вживанні   лексичного матеріалу в мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та над фразової єдності з теми «Природа»;
·        практикувати учнів в аудіюванні;
·  повторити вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників та модальних дієслів must і mustnt; 
·   узагальнити основні  поняття,  лексичні  одиниці теми «Охорона довкілля» через  презентацію  міні  проектів, підготовлених  групами  учнів.

Очікувані результати:
учень може:
·        розповідати про домашні та дикі тварини, вживаючи ступені порівняння прикметників (5-6 речень);
·        розуміти зміст прослуханого вірша та загадок про тварин;
·        розповідати про те, що слід і чого не слід робити, щоб зберегти природу
     (4-5 речень);
·         розпитувати з метою роз’яснення і уточнення інформації про особистий внесок в охорону довкілля (4-5 реплік).

Обладнання: телевізор, мультимедійна презентація до уроку, девіз уроку “Take care of our planet, its the only one we have” (Phillip of Britain), відео на пісню-вітання “Every Day Hello Song” та пісню Луї Армстронга “What a Wonderful World”, аудіо записи «Звуки природи», «Спів птахів», ілюстративні картинки до теми «Природа», «Тварини», інтерактивний плакат “Our Planet is Our Home”, декорації ( дерево-символ природи та символ успіху, птахи, комахи), хмара тегів для відгадування теми уроку, роздатковий матеріал для роботи в групах, проекти учнів, картки-самооцінювання (кольорові яблучка-стікери).

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення знань учнів з теми «Природа».

Хід уроку
І. Introduction. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting. Icebreaker.
T: Dear children, the weather is so gloomy today. So, look at each other, smile and present little sunshine to one another. And now let’s sing a song of greeting.
2. SongEvery Day Hello Song”. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gghDRJVxFxU )
T: How are you, Sofiia / Dasha / Andrew…?
Ps: I’m fine / great / wonderful…           
2. The aim of the lesson and learning outcomes. Мета уроку та очікувані результати.
T: Today we are going to sum up our knowledge on the topic “Nature” and the theme of our lesson is … You will guess it with the help of tag clouds which you have on your desks. Please, do it.
T: Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is “Our Planet Is Our Home”. We are going to talk about the beauty of our planet and the problems it has. You will listen to the poem, read and write, guess riddles, play games, make up dialogues and do projects. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to tell about domestic and wild animals using the degrees of comparison, say what we must and what we mustn’t do to protect nature, you’ll create posters “Take Care of Nature!”, ask and answer questions about what you personally do to protect nature and save our planet.

II. Warm-up. Введення учнів в мовне середовище за темою уроку.

1. Phonetic Drills. T: For our work we need train our lips and tongues. Let’s practice sounds [ʧ] – nature, creature, [ɛǝ] – bear, hare, air, care, take care. Take care of nature! “Take care of our planet, it’s the only one we have”. (Phillip of Britain) – This is the motto of our lesson.
1.     Lexical Drills. 1) Poem Home.

T: Now, we’ll do a very interesting task. You’ll listen to the poem “Home” by Nicole Willis. By the way, what does the word “home” mean?
Ps: It’s the place where we live.
T: Now listen to the poem attentively, then be ready to fill in the missing words into the cards which you have on your desks and guess whose home this poem is about and.

The sky is home for the birds and the bees,
Flying high above the trees.
The sea is home for the fish and the whales,
Splaying and splashing their tails.
The land is home for the deer and the bears,
Walking and running here and there.
The Earth is home for you and me.
We are one big family.
By Nicole Willis

2) Filling in the gaps. (HO1) T: Listen to the poem again and complete it.
The sky is home for the__________________and the____________,
Flying high above the_____________________________________.
The sea is home for the________________________and the whales,
Splaying and splashing their tails.
The land is home for the deer and the_________________________,
Walking and running here and there.
The Earth is home for______________and  me,
We are one big__________________________.

By Nicole Willis
3) Discussion. T: What is the poem about?
Ps: (…)
T: Yes. You are right. Now let’s play the game “Illustrators”. We’ll imagine ourselves illustrators of a children’s magazine and design a 3D poster illustrating this poem.

4) Creating a 3D poster “Our Planet is Our Home”
T: Let’s create a 3D poster “Our Home” 
which will illustrate the poem.
T: Children, do you remember other rhymes about nature?
(Look around you, nature is bright!
Trees are green, flowers are white,
Birds are singing in the blue sky,
Butterflies are dancing in the sunshine.)
III. Main Part. Основна частина уроку.
1.     Vocabulary Review. 1) Brainstorming.
Т: You see, we live on a beautiful and mysterious Blue planet – Earth. Our planet is common home for people, animals, birds and all alive.
T: What is the Earth like?
Ps: (The Earth is beautiful, wonderful, fine, nice, great and interesting)
T: What is there on the Earth? What places can you name?
Ps: (There are many rivers, lakes, seas, four oceans, a lot of mountains, forests…)

2) Matching
T: Please, match the words to the pictures. (forest, river, ocean, mountain, savanna, jungle)

3) “Clap/StampGame
T: A lot of different creatures live on the Earth? What are they?
Ps: (People live on the Earth, millions of birds, animals, fish live on the Earth.)
T: What two big groups of animals do you know?
T: Let’s play a game. You will clap when I name domestic animals and stamp when I name wild animals.
e.g. a cat, a dog, a crocodile, a bear,  a pig, a hen, a lion, a monkey, a chicken, a duck, a giraffe, a cheetah, a cow, a goat, a python, an elephant, a horse, a fox, a goose, a tiger, a wolf.

4) Group Work. Fill in the grid. (HO2
T: Now you will work in groups of three. Let’s join into groups according to the places animals can live. (river, ocean, forest, jungle, desert) Look at the pictures, fill in the grid and say where these animals live.

Card #1  Fill in the grid (HO2)

An animal

a cheetah

      a fish

a monkey

a camel
A place where it lives

the savanna

(a cheetah – the savanna, a fish – a river, a monkey – the jungle, a camel – a desert, a wolf- a forest)
e.g. A cheetah lives in the savanna.

2. Check on homework. T: Guess the riddles.
T: You know a lot about wild animals. Now let’s talk about domestic animals. You had a very interesting home assignment. Your task was to write a riddle about your domestic animal. Let’s guess some of your riddles.

3. Grammar Review. 1) Rules of the Use of the Degrees of Comparison.
T: When we describe animals we can compare them with other creatures. For this we need use the Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives. Let’s recollect the rules of their use.
2) Writing. T: Give the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives:  slow, big, small, fast, strong, beautiful.

3) Pair Work. “Interview”.
T: Again, children, you change a profession and try yourself in the role of a zoologist and a journalist. Pupil A, a journalist, will ask questions about animals and pupil B, a zoologist, will answer the questions.
e.g. – Which animal is slower: a bear or a lion?   
      - A bear is slower than a lion.
·        Which animal is bigger: a wolf or a bear?
·        Which animal is smaller: a cat or a fox?
·        Which animal is stronger: a wolf or a lion?
·        Which animal is more beautiful: a cat or a fox?

4. Relaxation. Song “What a Beautiful World” 

5. Project Work. Designing a poster “Take Care of Nature”.
1) Before designing a poster. a) Discussion.
T: Really our planet is beautiful. But it has some problems. Can you name some of them?
Ps: Pollution, Litter, Wastes…
T: So, we must do something to protect our nature.
b) Popcorn Activity. T: Please, name from your places some of the things we can do to save our nature.

·        Do not drop litter in the streets;                                                                            
·        Don’t pollute water / air;
·        Save water;
·        Use public transport;
·        Ride a bike;
·        Don’t cut down trees;
·        Plant trees;
·        Grow vegetables;
·        Make birdhouses and bird-feeders;
·        Don’t waste paper / water;
·        Take care of animals;
·        Do not hunt animals.

2) While designing a poster. (to relaxing music) Group Work.
T: Children, look! This tree is bare. It needs your help. It can be saved with the help of your posters which will teach people what they must and mustn’t do to protect nature. And you will work in groups of four. Let’s join into groups according to the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
3) After designing a poster. Project presentations. Game “Hearts and Heads”.
T: Present your posters, please. While listening to the presentation the pupils of other groups must be very attentive and touch their hearts when they hear what they must do to help the nature, and touch their heads when they must not do something to save our planet.
(Pupils presentations)
T: Great job! Thank you very much! Our tree is very happy! It has got its beautiful leaves and fruit. But it wants to know what you personally do to protect nature.

6. Moving Rows 
T: I think, you also want to know. So, please, ask each other what you personally do to protect nature.  And we’ll do this with the help of moving rows. Let’s count out into twos and stand in two rows face to face. You remember, when you here the words “Moving rows”, you must step to the left and then ask another partner.

IV. Summarizing. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Home Assignment. T:  Write a letter to your pen-friend of 5 - 6 sentences about the things you personally do at home to protect nature.                                                           
2. Evaluation and feedback.
T: The theme of our lesson was Our Planet Is Our Home”. I suppose this topic was interesting for you, because nature is our home and our duty is to protect and save it. I hope our work at the lesson was very fruitful and you have learnt a lot. You have designed a 3D illustration to the poem “Home” and created posters “Take Care of Nature!” Now you can:
·        tell about domestic and wild animals using the degrees of comparison;
·        say what we must and what we mustn’t do to protect nature;
·        ask and answer questions about what your personally do to protect nature.

         Look! You have apple-stickers of different colours on your desks. They are self – evaluation cards. Please, evaluate your work at the lesson and stick an apple on our tree. If you were active at the lesson and worked excellent choose a pink apple. If you were not so active and did some mistakes choose a yellow sticker. If you think you were passive choose a green one. Now it’s our tree of success. The lesson is over. Good bye.

Тема уроку:  School Supplies (Шкільне приладдя)

Цілі уроку:
Практична: 1. Розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, монологічного та
                          діалогічного мовлення;
Освітня:  2. Розширити лінгвістичний кругозір учнів через країнознавчу
                          інформацію, яка міститься у мові, що вивчається;
                  3.Удосконалювати знання та вміння набуті на уроках англійської мови;
Розвивальна: 3. Розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять,
                          спостережливість, здатність до здогадки;
                          4. Розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;
                          5. Формувати вміння учнів брати участь у мовленнєвій 
                          взаємодії з партнерами по комунікації в парах;
Виховна:         7. Виховувати доброзичливість та допитливість;
                          8. Підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Завдання уроку: 1. Повторити лексичні одиниці теми «Шкільне приладдя»,  
                          2. Практикувати учнів у вживанні тематичної лексики в
                         лексико-граматичних структурах “What is this?”, “What is that?,                             “Is it…?”, I have got a …”;
                         2. Повторити утворення множини іменників в англійській мові;
                         3. Удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків.

Тип уроку:    урок повторення і закріплення вивченого матеріалу.

Обладнання: тематичні та лексичні картинки, плазмовий телевізор, ноутбук,  
            мультимедійна презентація до уроку, підготовлена навчальна дошка з     
            усіма необхідними записами до уроку; відео матеріал до уроку: пісні                  “Hello!”, “Get Your PencilsPens …”, “Double Phonics Chant” роздатковий             матеріал «Find the odd word out” (HO1),  завдання “Unscramble the word”             (НО2), учнівські проектні роботи «Мій портфель», іграшка Лисичка.

Хід уроку:

І. Introduction. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Greeting. Привітання.
TGood morning, children! How are you today?
Ps: We are very well, thank you!
     Song "Hello!"

2Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
TToday you’ll revise the names of school things and practise the use of them in games and exercises. We shall recollect the use of plural forms of the nouns. By the way, we are waiting for a very interesting guest at our lesson. She has prepared some surprises for you, too. You’ll know about them a little bit later. And now let’s start our lesson.
II. Warming up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1.  Chant “Get Your Pencils, Pens …”

T: Look at the screen and sing a song about school.
2. Phonetic Drills. Фонетична зарядка.
1) T: Let’ s practise sounds:
[ ʃ  ] – shelf, bookshelf, she,
[ tʃ ] – teacher, chair, children,
[ks] – fox, box, pencil-box,
[u] – book, copy-book,
[u:] – school, classroom.
2) “Double Phonics Chant”.
3. T: Look! Who has at last come to us. It’s а fox - a Red Fox!  Say hello to our Fox!
 Ps: Hello, Fox! – Hello.
 Hello, Red Fox! Nice to meet you! – Nice to meet you, too.
T: Let’s get acquainted with our guest!
Ps: What is your name?
-             How old are you?
-             Where do you live?
-             Do you like our school?

III. Основна частина уроку
1. Vocabulary PracticeАктуалізація раніше вивчених  ЛО по темі «School» та тренування їх у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.
Т: Діти, наша Лисичка - Red Fox тільки починає вивчати англійську. Вона дуже старанна, тому в неї вже багато чого виходить. Але вона сказала мені по секрету, що ще не вчила слів про школу. Давайте повторимо з вами усі необхідні слова та будемо їй все розповідати.

1) Watching video presentation “School Supplies. 
2) T: Please, name the things that you see in the video presentation.

3) Answering the questions of the fox: “What is this? / What is that?”
2. Listening Comprehension.       
Fox: Thank you children! Я сьогодні дізналася багато нових слів, але щось я трохи заплуталася. Підкажіть мені, будь ласка, що в нас може лежати на парті.
Game «Clap Your Hands».
(Лисичка називає різні слова, учні повинні, якщо вони почують необхідне слово, стукнути в долоні).
Fox: a window, a book, a pen, a pencil, a doll, a ruler, a door, a pencil-case, a car, an copy-book.

Fox: Thank you, children. Thank you very much!
А зараз підкажіть мені, будь ласка, що в нас може знаходитись у класній кімнаті. 
Гра «Stamp Your Feet».
 (Лисичка називає різні слова, учні повинні, якщо вони почують необхідне слово, тупнути ніжкою).
Fox: a window, a tree, a door, a bag, a bed, a desk, a blackboard, a car, a house, a banana, a chair, a shelf

Fox: Thank you, children. Thank you very much!

3. Reading
1) T: Let’s match the word to the picture.
2) Т: Lets help Red Fox to figure out the words.


4Grammar Revision and Practice.
1) Game «What is in my bagПовторення та активізація граматичного матеріалу: конструкція Is it…? Noit isnt. | Yesit is.

Т: Поки ми з вами займалися наша Лисичка вирішила погратися та заховала щось у свій портфель. Давайте спробуємо відгадати що це.
(Учні разом із учителем пригадують як треба задавати запитання. Потім запитують у Лисички: Is it a book (a copy-book, a pen…)?
Fox: Yes, it is./ No, it is not.
2) The use of prepositions of place. The song “Where is the pen?”

3)  Acting out the Dialogues
- Where is your pen?
- It is in my pencil case.

5Physical Activity. Фізкультхвилинка
Song “This the Way We Go to School”

6.     Speaking. Project Presentation
T: Please, tell our guests what school things you have got in your schoolbags.

7.     Revising the Material. Виконання вправ на закріплення ЛО по темі
Т: А ви знаєте, що усі лисиці дуже хитренькі? Our Red Fox is sly, too. Наша Лисичка  вирішила з вами погратися та ще раз перевірити, чи добре ви все знаєте чи ні. Вона приготувала нам загадки, та різні цікаві завдання. Ну, що? Покажемо їй які ви розумники? Lets go!

1) Work in Pairs. Find the odd word out. (Треба знайти та підкреслити зайве слово та пояснити свій вибір).
 A pencila pena bag (портфель не може писати);
 A copy-book, a floor, a window, a door;
 A teacher, a school, a schoolgirl, a pupil.
 2) Make up the plural form of the words. (Лисичка пропонує учням разом з нею прочитати пари слів, а потім самим пояснити причини появи літери “s”).
 1 book- 2 books         1 bag -5 bags
 1 dog – 3 dogs  1 table – 10 tables

  1 pen –   3         1 pencil – 4             
  1 desk – 5         1 chair – 10             
 3) Unscramble the word (НО2). (На повітряній кульці записані слова. Але лисичка не записала літери в правильному порядку. Здогадайтесь, про що йде мова. Запишіть відгадані слова та перекладіть їх.)
IVSuming-up. Заключна частина уроку

1. Summarizing. Підбиття підсумків уроку
T: Thank you, dear children, for your work today. How are you now? (- Fine, thank you.)
Are you happy? (-Yes, we are) / Are you sad? (- No, we are not)
А давайте запитаємо, як себе почуває наша гостя, чи сподобався їй наш урок сьогодні.
Ps: How are you, Red Fox?
Fox: I am great! Thank you! I like your lesson and your work very much!

TЧуєте, діти, нашій Red Fox дуже сподобався наш урок та те, як ви сьогодні працювали! А ви як гадаєте, чи добре ми сьогодні попрацювали, чи впоралися з усіма завданнямиОтже нагадайте нам з Лисичкою, будь ласка, що ми сьогодні робили на уроці, що нового ви дізналися, чого навчилися та що вам найбільше сподобалося.
TА нашій гості вже час повертатися додому. Ви їй дуже сподобалися і вона захотіла подарувати вам свій вірш. Послухаємо?

 Fox: What a happy, happy day!
 Boys and girls are very gay,
 They dance and play,
 What a happy, happy day!
T: Thank you, Red Fox! Goodbye! Come to us again!
Ps: Goodbye, Red Fox!
Fox: Good bye, children!
2. Home Assignment. Домашнє завдання
Exercise 1-3, p.27 (Wb)
Т: Our lesson is over! Now, stand up, please! Good bye, children! See you next lesson!


Suggested level – starter
Topic: Travelling to Toyland
·       to revise vocabulary related to the topic;
·       to develop pupils’ reading and speaking skills;
·       to practise the use of possessive case of the nouns;
·       to develop pupils’ skills in using descriptive adjectives;
·       to develop pupils’ attention.

Equipment: toys, handouts with the text “My Doll”, a computer, PowerPoint
                      presentation of the lesson , songs The Rainbow  Color Song”,                                        Toys for Me…”, “If You Are Happy…”, paper doors, a toy                                            house, a toy box.
І. Introduction
1. Greetings
T: 1) Let’s greet each other with the song “Hello! Hello!”
      Hello! Hello!
      How are you?
      I’m fine,
      I’m great,
      I’m wonderful.
     2) Now let’s greet our guests at the lesson with the rhyme “Good Morning!”
2. The aim of the lesson
T: Children, how do you think what we shall do in the lesson?
Ps: - sing songs;                                        - recite rhymes;
      - play games;                                       - read;
      - write;                                                 - guess;                                    
      - recollect the colours;
T: All these things we shall do travelling to Toyland. So, by the end of the lesson 
you will be able to tell about your toys and describe them.
II. Warm-up.
1.     Phonetic Drills. Tongue Tale
T: Let’s train our tongues and lips, and revise all the sounds of the English           
language with the help of the “Tongue Tale”.
2.     Situation “Let’s Get Acquainted”
T:  Children, visiting some other country you must be able to introduce yourself to         other people. So, let’s make up dialogues.
-         What is your name?
-         My name is …
-         Where are you from?
-         I’m from Ukraine.
-         How old are you?
-         I’m seven.
III. Main Part
1.     Vocabulary Review
T: I think it’s high time to travel to Toyland, where we can find many different toys.
     You agree with me that children like to play their toys.
1) Rhyme “Ball and Dolls”         Balls and dolls,                 Boys and girls,
                                                           dolls and balls,                  girls and boys,
                                                                 I have got                         Like to play
                                                                 many toys.                        With their toys.
2)    Guessing Game “What toy is behind the door?”
(Children name the toys which are hidden behind the doors made of paper)
3)    Grammar Point. The use of the possessive case.
     Ask and Answer “Whose house is this?” Pair Work.
4)    Rhyme “A Car, car, car…”
T: In the Toyland toys do not stay only in their houses. We can find them also in           other  places. Do you remember the rhyme “A Car, car, car…”? Let’s recite it.
      A Car, car, car                                              A kite, kite, kite
     In the park, park, park.                                 In the sky, sky, sky.
     A cat, cat, cat                                                       A frog, frog, frog
     On the mat, mat, mat.                                   On the log, log, log.
5) Colours. The Rainbow Colour Song
T: Our Toyland is full of different colours. We can see a rainbow of colours.                   Let’s      sing a “The Rainbow Color Song”
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.  
Red, orange, yellow, green,| 2t
Blue, purple, pink.              |
It’s a rainbow | 2t                        | 2t
A beautiful rainbow in the sky.  |        
5)    Game “I See”
T: Imagine that you are a captain of a big ship. Look through binoculars and say:
“I see a big brown teddy bear./ I see a lovely pink bunny…”
2.     Speaking
1)    Listen and repeat the dialogue:
-     I have got a new toy.
-     What’s this?
-     It’s a ball. Let’s play together.
-     Let’s play! What colour is it?
-     It’s blue.
2)    Acting out dialogues. Pair Work
3.     Relaxation. Song “Toys for me…” (Children stand in a circle and move to             the music)
Toys for me,                                            Toys for me,
Toys for you,                                           Toys for you,      
Toys for everyone.                                  Toys for everyone.                    
A pink ballerina,                                     A brown teddy-bear, 
A blue toy-soldier,                                   A yellow doll,                                 
We are all having fun.                             We are all having fun.
4.     Game “Put Your Toy Into the Toy Box”
T: Let’s collect your toys into the toy box and describe them.
Ps: I have got a brown bear.  It is big. It is nice and lovely. It can run …
5. Reading
T: Children, I’ve got a letter from my niece. In her letter she describes her new               doll. Let’s read her letter together.
My Doll
I’ve got a very lovely doll. Her name is Ann. She isn’t tall. Her blouse is                         beautiful. She’s got a dress like Cinderella. I love her very much.
6. Song “If You Are Happy”

IV. Summarizing. Assessment.

Level - B1 intermediate
Topic: The Land Down Under

·        to summarise pupils’ knowledge about Australia;
·        to give additional information about the Commonwealth of Australia;
·        to develop students’ communicative skills in group discussion and in communicative activities;
·        to develop pupils’ interest to English-speaking countries;
·        to teach students to respect other people, their way of living.

Equipment: the map of Australia, pictures of the sights, text for reading “Eating Habits in Australia”, video-advertisement welcoming tourists to Australia, handouts with the tasks, computer, multimedia presentation of the lesson, project works, the map of wishes and impressions.


І. Introduction
1. Greeting. (Slides 1-2)
T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you    
getting on?
   How is life?
P1:  Life is good.
P2:  Life is great.
P3:  Life is unbelievable.
P4:  Life is sunny,
P5:  Life is cool,
P6:  Life is so beautiful.      /To music/ 
Song "Life Is Good"

2. Objectives.
T: I see you are in a good mood and ready to work. Today we shall have an 
unusual lesson.
And what do you think we are going to do at the lesson?
P1: I think we shall travel.
T: Yes, but we shall have a kind of a virtual travelling.
P2: I’m sure we shall play some games.
T: Yes, with the help of the game “Noughts & Crosses” we shall practice making           up special and general questions.
P3: For sure we shall present our projects.
T: Of course. For today you have prepared projects and you will present them.
P4: For no doubts we shall watch video.
T: Yes, it’s true. Actually today you will revise your knowledge of Countr Studies.
(Slide 3 Main Activities)

II. Warming-up
1.     Game “Noughts & Crosses”.
T: As I’ve mentioned before we are going to travel at our today’s lesson, but where to you will find out with the help of the questions.
   Let’s split into two teams. Team A plays with O (noughts) and team B with X (crosses). You have to choose a square and make up a question using the word. If your sentence is correct you’ll get your sign. If it’s wrong your opponent has only one guess to correct it. If this is right the team wins the square a(Slide 4)

2. Brainstorming.
T: So, what country are we going to travel to?
Ps: Australia.
T: This country is also often called the Land Down Under. Perhaps, you know               some other names of this country.
P1: Terra Australis.
P2: Southern land.
P3: Oz.
P4: The Land of golden fleece.
P5: The “Upside Down Country”. (Slide 5-6)

III. Main Part
1. Vocabulary Review.

а) Watching Video.
T: Now you will watch and listen to an advertisement welcoming tourists to Australia. Your task is to pay attention to the adjectives which are used to characterize this country.
Australia Travel Video 
P1: The best place in the world.
P2: Beautiful beyond description.
P3: Worth crossing the globe.
P4: Wonderful land.    (Slides 7)

b) Vocabulary Practice.

T: While visiting The Land Down Under you will hear some words which are not         so often used in our everyday life. Let’s guess these words by their description.
-                        imaginary line around the circumference of the earth which is the same                          distance from North and South Poles              /the equator/;
-                        part of the earth south of the equator         /the Southern Hemisphere/;
-                        a large mass of land surrounded by oceans and seas         /a continent/;
-                        a piece of land entirely surrounded by water, smaller than a continent – an                       island;
-                        a very dry, usually sandy place        /a desert/;
-                        a member of a race which was living in a country before it was colonized /                     original inhabitant           / Aboriginal/;
-                        an animal that carries its young in a pouch         /marsupial/;
-                        the world’s second largest bird, which can’t fly and which is represented                         on Australia’s coat of arms        /emu/;
-                        it’s an abbreviation of Old Australian, that is a descendant from the British                    and Irish settlers born in Australia       /Aussie/.
           (Slides 8-17)
2.     Presenting Projects. Speaking.
T: The agents of the tour company “Feerie Mandriv” will present their projects             and some information about the country you are visiting.
     Main Topics:
-                        the geographical position of the country;
-                        its political system and national symbols;
-                        the climate;
-                        flora and fauna of the country;
-                        main cities;
-                        top tourist places in Australia.
3.  Writing.
T: Meanwhile the rest of the pupils will be journalists who try to find out as much as possible information about Australia for their future articles and essays. So, while listening and watching presentations you have to fill a special chart in with the necessary information.(Slide 18)

Agent 1. Hello everybody! My name is …… . The motto of our company is “Without travelling the life would be boring and monotonous. The world is so beautiful”. (Slide 21) And we want to give you such opportunity to travel and visit the best place in the world – the Land Down Under – Australia.
   Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, 1,200km south the equator. (Slide 22) The Commonwealth of Australia occupies the whole continent and a number of smaller islands, where Tasmania is the largest. (Slide 23) Actually it is the only country that occupies a complete continent. It should be stressed here that Australia is the sixth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil. Its territory is 7,682,300sq.km. (Slide 24) By the way, Australians like to mention the fact that the territory of their country is 33 times larger than that of Great Britain. It is interesting to know that Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent on the Earth.
   The Australian continent is washed in the north by the Timor and Arafura Seas; in the east by the Tasman and Coral Seas (the latter is a part of the South Pacific); in the south and west by the Indian Ocean. (Slide 25)
   The continent of Australia is mostly a plain with mountains along the east and some along the west coast. Its most significant mountain chain is the Great Dividing Range running down most of the east coast. Its eastern projection is known as the Australian Alps. Australia’s highest point, Mount Kosciusko in the Australian Alps, is only 2,230m high. (Slide 26-27)
   Approximately a third of Australia is hot desert. If you want you can visit the Great Sandy Desert in the north-west of Australia, the Gibson Desert in central Australia and the Great Victoria Desert in southern Australia. (Slide 28) There are some lakes and rivers in the country, but most of them are dry much of the year. Some rivers flow for a short distance, then sink into the ground. Lake Eyre is the largest. (Slide 29)
The Murray and the Darling are the main rivers of the country. (Slide 30-31)
   Thank you for your attention. Welcome to Australia.

Agent 2. Hi, my name is …….. . I’d like to present you the political system of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. The head of the state is the Queen of England, represented by the Governor General. (Slide 32-33)
   The Commonwealth Parliament consists of the Queen, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. The party with majority support in the House of Representatives forms the Government, with its leader becoming Prime Minister. (Slide 34)
   The Commonwealth Parliament seats in Parliament House in the capital city of Canberra.
   Australia consists of six states and two territories: (Slide 35)
New South Wales, the capital city is Sydney;
Victoria – Melbourne;
Queensland  Brisbane;
South Australia  Adelaide;
Tasmania  Hobart;
Victoria – Melbourne;
Western Australia  Perth.
Australian Capital Territory  Canberra;
Northern Territory  Darwin. (Slides 36-45)
   I want to stress that each state has its own government.
   The Australian national flag has three prominent symbols. The small Union Jack in the upper left corner represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven-pointed star below the Union Jack is the Commonwealth or Federation star which represents the six states and the Territories, the five white stars from the Southern Cross, the symbol of the Southern Hemisphere night sky. (Slides 46-47)
   “Advance Australia Fair” is the national anthem of Australia. It was officially declared the national anthem on the 19th of April 1984.   Australia’s Coat of Arms was granted by King George V in 1912. It consists of a shield containing the badges of the six states. The supporters are native Australian fauna: the red kangaroo and the emu. In the design there is also a yellow-flowered plant, wattle. (Slide 48)
  The country’s currency is the Australian dollar /$A/. (Slides 49-50)
  Come and know more about this beautiful country. 

Agent 3. My name is …… . I’d like to tell you about the climate of the country.
   Australia’s climate is relatively warm and dry, with no extreme cold and little frost. It ranges from tropical to temperate. (Slides 51-52) Part of the continent lies within the Torrid Zone and has a hot or tropical climate. Along the northern coast, and particularly in north-eastern Queensland, is tropical jungle and rainforest, the average rainfall is very high.(Slide53) In summer the air is very humid here. In the centre the climate is very dry, droughts are common and the land is mainly desert. (Slide 54) I want to stress that there is comparatively little seasonal temperature change in Australia. /22 degrees above zero in the north; 17 degrees above zero in the south in summer; 25 degrees above zero in the north and 8 degrees above zero in the south in winter/.
    Winds are light to moderate, except along the cost where cyclones quite often occur, that leads to floods. (Slide 55)
    As Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere they have winter when we have summer and vice versa.
    In the south it is pleasant with cool winters and warm summers, that is good for surfing. (Slide 56)  In Tasmania and around Kosciusko there are snowfields in winter, much visited by ski enthusiasts. Come and enjoy skiing here. (Slide 57)

Agent 4. Hello! I’m …… . We’re thrilled to be able to take you on a tour of Oz – that’s how Aussies call their country. I will tell you about flora and fauna of it. (Slides 58-59) Australia has many species of animals that are unique. This is due to its long geographical isolation. These animals include kangaroo, wallabies, koalas, dingoes, possums, platypuses, emus, parrots and cockatoos. (Slides 60-61)
   The most typical Australian animal is, of course, the kangaroo. (Slide 62) There are more than 40 different varieties of “Roos”, as they are called here.  When it is born, a baby kangaroo may be only 2cm long. It has no fur at this stage in life and looks rather like a worm. When an early settler asked an Aboriginal the name for the strange animal which hopped, he answered “Kan-gar-oo”, which means in his language “I don’t know”.
   As for koalas, they are sometimes called native bears, but they are not bears at all. They are members of the marsupial family. (Slides 63-64)
   The strangest of all Australian mammals is the platypus. (Slide 65) It and echidna may be the last living links between reptiles and mammals. They are the only egg-lying mammals in the world.  
  The most part of the vegetation in Australia consists of bushes that can grow with very little water. The best known native trees are eucalyptus, acacia and bottle tree. (Slides 66-67)
   The country has 300 national parks. The most interesting among them is Lichfield National Park where you can observe a lot of plants and animals. (Slides 68-70)
   Australia is a highly developed industrial country. It is sometimes called “the lucky country”. The reason is the wonderful riches under the earth: coal, iron, bauxites, oil, uranium, copper, zinc, natural gas, nickel, diamonds, gold and many other metals. (Slides 71-72)
Agent 5. Hello! I’m a tour agent …….. . I’d like to present you Australia’s main cities. By the way, more than two thirds of the population live in Australia’s cities and towns. Most important among them are: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Darwin, Alice Springs, Newcastle, Townsville and all the capitals of the six states. (Slides 73-80) The two largest of these capital cities, Sydney and Melbourne, contain one third of all the people on the Australian continent.
   Sydney is Australia’s window into the world – a bright cosmopolitan city with a quick pace of life. Melbourne is Sydney’s opposite; its green trams and wide, tree-lined avenues are symbols of an old-fashioned way of life. 
   Melbourne is the nation’s cultural, financial and intellectual capital. You know that Melbourne’s rivalry with Sydney was the reason for the creation of the federal capital, Canberra, built on farmland between the two cities. The name Canberra comes from the aboriginal word Kamberra, meaning a meeting place.
   The government of Australia moved from Melbourne, the old capital, to Canberra in 1927.
   Canberra is not one of the largest cities. Its population is about 300,000, but it is one of the most important. The city is a political and administrative capital of Australia. It is also the centre of the nation’s history, learning and research. Welcome to the capital of the country.

Agent 6. Let me introduce myself. My name is ….. . And if you asked me what places to visit first in Australia I would recommend you to see these top popular places:
1.     Sydney, one of the world’s most attractive cities. The famous Sydney Opera House looks like waves when they break on the beach. People call the city “the Paris of the Pacific”. But Paris hasn’t got such sea, sand, sun, surf and Bondy Beach to relax and have rest. (Slide 82)
2.     The Great Barrier Reef, which extends for 2,000km. There are numerous beautiful tropical islands scattered along the reef. It is usually called a garden under the sea. A coral reef protects the coast from the force of the ocean waves. (Slides 83-84)
3.     Brisbane, the capital of Queensland. Brisbane has a mild sub-tropical climate with a warm summer and a mild winter. It is a “Holiday City”. (Slide 85)
4.     Melbourne, a city close to the mountains and sea. It is the city of beautiful parks and gardens. Melbourne people say their city is more English than any other in Australia. (Slide 86)
5.     The Great Ocean Road. It is a very beautiful place. (Slide 87)
6.     The Red Centre. Ayers Rock is the most famouse of strange rock standing up out of the flat desert floor. It is situated in the middle of red, waterless desert. The Aboriginals consider it a sacred site and call it Uluru. (Slides 88-90)
7.     Of course, Canberra, the capital of the country. It is a beautiful city with lovely parks and wide streets. (Slide 91)
8.     Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia and the “Athens of the South”. (Slide 92-93)
9.     Tasmania, with its wonderful flora and fauna. (Slide 94-95)

4.     Role-Play “At the Tour Agency”. (Slides 96-99)
T: Now you have an opportunity to ask the questions the answers to which you try to find out.
Journalist 1: Is Australia densely populated country?
Agent 1: The population of the country is about 20mln people. Most of the                     population (85%) live in the cities of the east coast.
Journalist 2: Could you tell us how many native people live in the country?
Agent 2: The aboriginal people represent 1% of the nation’s population but they           occupy an important place in its culture.
Journalist 3: Is there a written constitutin in Australia?
Agent 3: Yes, the nation is administrated under a written constitution, which was           adopted in 1901.
Journalist 3: Can you explain why some Australian children don’t go to school            and learn from the School of the air?
Agent 4: The more remote and sparsely populated regions of Australia are called          the Outback. There are some ranches scattered through it. That’s why children               who live there don’t go to school and listen to and talk to their teachers on the               station radio.
Journalist 4: Why is Australia sometimes called the land of golden fleece?
Agent 4: It’s well-known that Australia is famous for its sheep. That’s why                   sometimes the country is referred to as the land of golden fleece.
Journalist 5:  What is the main public holiday of the country?
Agent 5: The National Day of Australia. It is celebrated on the 26th of January. It marks the date in 1788 when Captain Arthur Philip, of the British Royal Navy, commanded a fleet of 11 ships and sailed into port Jackson /Sydney Cove/. Another very popular holiday is, of course, Christmas which, by the way, they celebrate in summer on the  beach with a barbecue.

5.     Group Work. Matching. (Slides 100-101)
T: You have learnt a lot about this country. I think you are real experts on the Land Down Under. Now you will work in groups. Your group wants to send some postcards with the views of famous Australian sights to your magazines or newspaper. Unfortunately, you have forgotten to sign them. But this is very important for the readers of your periodicals. That’s why work in groups and match the picture with its name.
/ Ayers Rock, Parliament House, The Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Sydney Opera House, the Great Berrier Reef, Queensland Bottle tree (20m), the National Museum, Telstra Tower/.

6.     Relaxation.  (Slide 102)
T: Imagine that now you are just travelling around this amazing country and enjoy its wonders. /Watching video and listening to the song “It’s Time to Relax”/
7.     Pre-Reading Activity.
1) T: As you know there are different variants of the English language: British English, American English, Canadian English and Australian English. Australian English isn’t really very difficult. Australians always choose a short word if they can. So, a lot of words are made by shortening of English words. This gives Australian English its special style – informal, friendly and often funny. Do you know some shortenings in Australian English?

P1: Postie for postman;
P2: Footie for football;
P3: Barbie for barbecue;
P4: G’day for hello.

2) T: Do you know the meaning of the word “pav”?
     Did you dine in the BYO restaurant? Do you know what it stands for?
    Let’s learn some more about shortening in Australian English and get additional information about Australians’ eating habits.

8. While-Reading Activity. Filling in the Grid.
T: Scan the text and find information you didn’t know.(Slides 103-104)

Eating Habits in Australia

  The food in Australia is a result of a great diversity of culture. Australian’s eat in the continental style: the fork is in the left and the knife is in the right hand. In a private home, guests don’t serve themselves but receive a plate already served. Water is not served unless asked for. Beef is the most popular meet. Australians prefer plain, not spicy meal. Crocodile bread is bread with bacon, green peppers and cheese and looks like crocodile when it is made. Sausage Rolls soup is rather popular. Tea is a favourite hot drink in Australia. Coffee comes second. A favourite dessert was created by Western Australian chef Bert Sachse in honour of ballerina Anna Pavlova who visited Australia in 1926. The pavlova shell or “pav”, rich with whipped cream and ice-cream, is a wonderful dessert which should appeal to anyone with a sweet tooth. Placing utensils on the plate together indicates one is finished. The bill is paid at the register after the meal. Tipping is not necessary. One distinctive of restaurant in Australia is the BYO – Bring Your Own. The BYO restaurant allows you to bring your own bottle of wine, and the waiter will open it and serve it to you. The BYO restaurants are smaller and less expensive. Tables are neat and clean. BYO places are most popular in Melbourne and Sydney. Chinese restaurants are common through  Australia.

9. Post-Reading Activity.
a) Are the following statements true or false? (Slides 105-107)
1.     There are a lot of Chinese restaurants in Australia. (T)
2.     Australians eat in eastern style.(F)
3.     Lamb is the most popular meet.(F)
4.     “pav” is a favourite Australian’s drink. (F)
5.     Coffee is a favourite drink of most Australians.(F)
6.     Australians don’t prefer spicy meal. (T)
7.     Crocodile bread is a bread for crocodiles.(F)
8.     The BYO restaurants are smaller and less expensive. (T)

b) Correct the false ones. 
c) Answer the questions:
 - What kind of dessert is “pav”?
 - Do you know what BYO stands for?
 - Is tipping necessary in Australian restaurants?

1.      Map of Wishes and Impressions. (Slide 108)
T: We are finishing our journey to The Land Down Under. Coming back home you will share your impressions of it with your relatives, friends, readers. Now work in groups and using the press method prove the thought that “Australia is the best place for…”. Write your sentences on the pictures which you should glue on the Map of Australia.
T: Look at the poster and remember the four stages of the press method.

Stages of the press method. (Slide 109)
1.     Present your point of view. (In my opinion…)
2.     Give the argument to prove your point of view. (…because…)
3.     Show the examples to confirm your arguments. (For example…)
4.     Summarize your point of view and make a conclusion. (That’s why…)

Suggested answers
Group 1.
In our opinion Australia is the best place for zoological explorations because Australia’s fauna is really unique. For example, about 83% of mammals, 89% of reptiles, 90% of fish and insects and 93% of amphibians that live on the continent can be found only in Australia.
That’s why if you are interested in zoology come and investigate the fauna of the country.
Group 2.
In our opinion Australia is the best place for tourists because it has a variety of tourist attractions. For example, the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock, sandy beaches and variety of wildlife. That’s why you can relax and get unforgettable impressions here.
Group 3.
In our opinion Australia is the best place for going in for sports because it has plenty to offer to sports fans all year round. For example, Australians play at least four types of football!!! International cricket matches are played every summer in Australia. Tennis matches are also held here. Besides, there are lots of places to go surfing in Australia. That’s why people are very sporty and healthy here.

Group 4.
In our opinion Australia is the best place for living because it has a strong economy and a high standard of living. For example, the country is the world’s leading exporter of wool and beef. It exports many minerals. Many families own two cars, even airplanes. That’s why Australia is often called a “lucky country”.

11. “What-do-you-know” quiz.
1) Who discovered Australia? (Slide 110-112)
a) Miklouho-Maclay   b) James Cook  c) Arthur Philip
2) What Australian State is the driest?
a) New South Wales   b) South Australia  c) Western Australia
3) Is Mt. Kosciusko higher then Goverla  /2061/
a) Yes       b) No     c) the same
4) What is garden under the sea?
a) the Timor Sea   b) the Great Australian Bight   c) the Great Barrier Reef
5) What is “The Paris of Pacific”? 
a) Canberra  b) Sydney   c) Adelaide
6) What is “Athens of the South”?
a) Melbourne b) Sydney  c) Adelaide
7) What is the most popular kind of sport in Australia?
a) basketball  b) curling   c) surfing
18) Which domestic animal could symbolize Australia?
a) sheep   b) horse   c) cat

IV. Summing-up. Home Assignment
T: When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the ones they have in their country – the weather, food, lifestyle, customs and traditions and so on. The world would have been a very sad place if everything was the same. Travel a lot and you will be able to learn and understand the world around you.
   Your home task is to write an article for your newspaper describing your last visit to the Land Down Under. Tell what sights impressed you most of all in Australia and why.
(Slide 113).

1.     English through communication, 9 form, Kyiv, Osvita, 2002.
2.     L. Panchenko. Your Guide in English. 5 -11 Forms: Kiev, 2002
3.     V.L.Polupan, A.P.Polupan, V.V.Makhova. English-speaking countries: A cultural reader. – Х.: «Країна мрій», 2002.
4.     Internet resources.nd continues the game. The first team to get a straight line of three X or O in any direction wins the game.

Virtual Tour to Australia (Презентація)

"Hello!" Song.
More presentations from Olha

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