субота, 9 липня 2016 р.


Brain Ring
для учнів 7-х класів

Мета заходу: 1. Узагальнити знання учнів про значення англійської мови
                        у світі, важливість її вивчення;
                            2. Розширити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона та
                        англійські прислівя;
                            3. Формувати естетичні смаки в учнів;
                            4. Вчити дітей працювати колективно в команді.

Обладнання: тематичні газети, зображення визначних місць Лондона,
                         обладнання для проведення брейн рингу, компютер, мелодії
                         пісень „If YOU ARE HAPPY”, “Hockey Pockey”, “Come and
                         Meet My Family”, пісочний годинник, нагороди.

Teacher: Dear children, you know that English is very popular in the world now.
               Because, it is the language of international communication and friendship
               The English language helps people to work together. It also helps us learn
               more about English-speaking countries, their culture and traditions. It
               helps children use the computer, make new friends and learn a lot of
               interesting things.
                   Today we have a smart game – Brain ring “English In Our Life”.
                   Let’s meet our 4 team-participants and their presentations.

Song “We Are So Glad…”

Team 1 / “Red Rose” /
-         Today we have a game and we are happy to greet all the players and all the guests. My team consists of 6 members. They are…
-         My name is … I’m joyful. My name is… I’m a lazybone….
-         The emblem of our team is a flower with tender smell. It has thorns on its stem. And it is not only our emblem, but also the emblem of England.

Team 2 / “Big Ben” /
-         Hi, we are the pupils of the … form. Our team consists of 6 players.
     They are…
-         My name is… I’m happy. ….
-         Our emblem is a tower. It is one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament. It is a tower with a clock. The clock has 4 faces and a very
     big loud bell. The man in charge of the building of the Houses of
     Parliament was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall, and 
     workers and his friends called him ….  So, they called the bell and the
    Clock Tower …  too.

Team 3 / “Happiness” /
-         All of us are the pupils of the 7th form and we are friends. We wish you to win this game, to be stronger than we are. These are the members
     of our team …
-         My name is…. I like to help people. ….
-         This song will help you to guess the emblem of our team.
     Song “If You Are Happy..”

Team 4 / “Thames” /
-         Good afternoon! We are glad to see you. Meet the members of our team.
-         I’m …. I’m cheerful.
-         Our emblem is a very beautiful river. But you cannot see it in Ukraine. A very old town Londinium was situated on the Tins River. The town
     was renamed but the name of the river is the same.

Teacher:  We  have 4 teams and I want to introduce our honourable jury that
                will judge today’s competition. These are…..
                    And for you, dear pupils, I wish good luck and success. Be very
                 attentive and don’t be afraid, everything will be all right.
                     We’ve come to Round 1 of the competition. It is very easy and very
                 difficult at the same time, because you must complete the proverbs.
                 During the round we’ll have 4 games. So, each team will have the
                 opportunity to meat one another. Let’s recollect the rules of our smart
                 game. After the question is asked, you have one minute for discussion.
                 The team which will switch on the lamp first will have the right to
                 answer. If your answer is not correct, another team has the opportunity
                 to answer.

Round 1

Game 1  1. East or West ……  / home is best. /
               2. Good health is ….  / above wealth. /
                 3. So many countries …. / so many customs. /
                 4. A Friend in need ….  / is a friend indeed. /

Game 2  1. Everything is good  ….  / in its season. /
                 2. An apple a day  ….  / keeps the doctor away. /
                 3. It’s never too late  ….  / to learn. /

                 4. The smallest friend can be ….  / the strongest help. /

Game 3  1. Tastes  ….  / differ. /
                 2. Early to bed, early to rise  ….  / makes a person healthy and wise. /
                 3. All is well  ….  / that ends well. /
                 4. Better late  ….  / than never. /

Game 4  1. There is no bad weather  ….  / there are bad clothes. /
                 2. Early bird  ….  / catches the worm. /
                 3. There is no place  ….  / like home. /
                 4. First think  ….  / then speak. /

Teacher:  As I’ve mantioned, English is very popular nowadays. Many people
                 study it. And you began to learn English when you were junior pupils.
                 Today I invited the pupils of the second form to show how they know

Song “Come and Meet My Family”

Teacher: Let’s come to Round 2. We are going to talk about the English
                language and its role in the world.

Round 2

Game 1 1. Name 5 reasons why we should learn English.
                2. Is it true that an Italion pilot in an Italian airplane speaks to an Italian
                airport in English?                                      / Yes, it’s true. /
                3. What year was announced the European year of languages?
                                                                                    / 2000 /
                4. How many world’s newspapers are in English ?       / a half of 10,000 /
Game 2 1. Is it true that English is the first most widely used language in the
               world?                                 / No, it isn’t. It is the second after Chinese. /
                2. What are the differences between British and American English?
                   / They are in spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary /
                3. What per cent of the world’s letters are in English?          / 75 % /
                4. What is the American equivalent to the British word “autumn”?
                                                                                                        / Fall /
Game 3 1. Why is English a multicultural language?
                                                                / It has taken words from other countries /
                2. Is it true that there are 370 native speakers of English?
                                                                / No, it isn’t. There are 372 mln. /
                3. What per cent of the world’s computer information is in English?
                                                                                                         / 80% /
                4. What is the American equivalent to the British word “shop”?
                                                                                                        / Store /
Game 4 1. How has international communication influenced English?
                       / International communication has created specialised English,
                         such as Internet English or text message English. /
                2. How many world’s telephones ring in English-speaking countries?
                                                                                                        / half /
                3. Is it true that 80% of world’s population use English in their lives?
                                                                                       /  No, it isn’t. 20% /
                4. What is the American equivalent of the British word “post”?
                                                                                          / Mail /

Song “Hockey Pockey”

Teacher:  And now Round 3. Our next task will deal with the topic “London”.
                 Guess the famous places of interest in London. Switch on the light.

Round 3

Game 1 1. A place which was a fortress, a prison, the King’s Zoo and now it
                is a museum.                       / The Tower of London /
                2. The largest park in London where there is Speaker’s Corner.
                                                             / Hyde Park /
                3. What is the name of the most famous English writer?
                                                               / William Shakespeare /
                4. What is the official royal residence in London?
                                                               / Buckingham Palace /

Game 2 1. The place where many English queens and kings were crowned and
               buried.                                       / Westminster Abbey /
                2. The name of the most famous bridge in London – a symbol of the city.
                                                                 / Tower Bridge /
                3. One of the central squares in London. It is the meeting point of 6
               streets.                                        / Piccadilly Circus /
                 4. Do you know the legend of the ravens which live in the tower of
                London?             / If there is no ravens in the Tower it will fall /

Game 3 1. A large clock, a bell – the symbol of London. / Big Ben /
                2. One of the greatest English cathedrals which was built by Sir
                Christofer Wren.                        / St. Paul’s Cathedral /
                 3.Name the most favourite holiday of the English people.
                                                                   / Christmas /
                 4. The seat of the British Parliament.   / The Houses of Parliament /

Game 4 1. One of the central squares in London with Nelson’s Column in the
               centre.                                         / Trafalgar Square /
                2. What park contains the famous London Zoo?  / Regent’s Park /
                3. Where can we see the ceremony of changing of the guard?
                                                                   / At Buckingham Palace /
                4. How do Englishmen call their famous red buses?
                                                                  / Double-deckers /

Teacher: Thank you for the game. It is over . Now our jury will tell us the score
                and we’ll greet the winner.

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